Resulting of a popular cartoon in the 70s, Rascal the Racoon, Japan imported many raccoons to be kept as pets. However, this backfired considerably. Japan currently faces a significant raccoon problem.
Raccoons are omnivores and opportunistic feeders. They are not picky regarding food, and their geographical location determines their diet.
According to research, a raccoon can remember a “solution” to a problem, i.e., how to open trash cans, for up to three years.
Before eating, they often rub their hands together as if washing them, which seems contrary to their perceived messy nature. What they are doing is covering them in water. They do this to heighten their tactile sensations, allowing them to investigate their food further. This act is known as “dousing.”
Typically raccoons are solitary animals, and the mating season is the only interaction between them.
Mothers will typically isolate themselves from other raccoons when their kits are young, as male raccoons often display aggressive behavior towards kits that are not their own.
Raccoons are a symbol in mythology and feature in many Native American folk tales. Due to the raccoon’s mischievous nature, rumors often predicted them as tricksters or con artists. Likewise, some tribes believed them to have strong spiritual connections seeing as their”mas” resembles war paint.