Neanderthals vs Homo Sapiens

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens differed from one another in physical, cultural, and evolutionary characteristics.  Despite their shared ancestry, these two species have developed significant differences in both physical and cultural traits. Let's examine each of them closely!

Physical Differences

Neanderthals had larger, more robust bodies than that of modern humans. They were shorter and stockier than Homo sapiens, with a slightly larger cranial capacity.

Homo sapiens, on the other hand, are taller and thinner than Neanderthals, with a smaller cranial capacity. We have a long, narrow face with a less conspicuous brow ridge, a smaller nose, and chin.


Human height today is influenced by a number of factors like gender, country, and living conditions. However, compared to Neanderthals, people today are taller.


Neanderthals had larger and thicker teeth than Homo sapiens did—their roots were bigger, the spaces between their molars were wider, and they had much larger pulp cavities.


Neanderthals and Homo sapiens also have distinct bones. The former having thick and robust bones that were suitable for their intense lifestyle, while the latter's humerus was symmetric.


Modern humans have narrow pelvises and rounded chests compared to Neanderthals with barrel-shaped chests and wider hips.


It is not possible to know for certain how strong Neanderthals were, but it is generally agreed that they were stronger than humans. Resulting from their challenging lifestyle, Neanderthals were well-trained and muscular.