By Josie October 8th, 2023
This owl’s strange reaction to a man approaching it is equal parts cute and confusing, but most of all it looks like it’s giving the stink eye.
The captivating video shows a snowy owl with eyes as piercing as the northern lights unveil a peculiar behavior.
Each approach by the man elicits a bizarre yet enchanting response from the owl.
It’s speculated that the owl’s “smiling” expression could be a cooling mechanism, evident from its panting motion.
Another theory suggests the owl’s sensitivity to light; their pupils don’t contract extensively, leading to a squinting reaction to bright lights.
In many regions, it’s illegal to own these magnificent creatures due to their status as wild animals.
They require a specialized diet, ample space to spread their wings, and professional care to address their health and well-being.
While they display a range of behaviors that suggest a level of emotional awareness, there's little scientific evidence.
The owl’s ‘smile’ in the video could be attributed to a physiological response rather than an emotional one.
Snowy owls have thick plumage, equipped with layers of insulating feathers, enables them to thrive in frigid temperatures.
These owls boast a keen sense of hearing and sight, adept at detecting prey beneath the snow.