Sea Lion vs Shark

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Diet, Hunting strategy, & More For The Sea Lion & Shark

Hunting strategy:

Employ stealth and camouflage to approach prey undetected

Hunting stratgy:

Utilize evasion tactics like speed, agility, and utilizing the environment for protection

Hunting strategy:

Can leap out of the water to catch prey

Hunting strategy:

Often swim in groups to chase and corral schools of fish


Apex predators feed on fish, seals, and even whales


Opportunistic predators feeding on various prey, including fish, squid, and small seals

Hunting strategy:

Hunting strategies include ambush-style attacks or high-speed chases

Hunting strategy:

Can dive toward the ocean floor and swim back to the surface to avoid predators

Body type:

Powerful jaws and rows of razor-sharp teeth

Body type:

Long, sleek bodies up to 8 feet in length


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