By Josie December 20th, 2023
Although its legs are a touch wobbly it’s nonetheless a most impressive sight to see how this baby impala learns how to walk just moments after being born.
A newborn impala, with its delicate and unsteady legs, takes its first steps under the watchful eye of its mother.
Typically, within just 30 minutes to an hour after birth, a baby impala is expected to stand and walk.
Although wobbly at first, it's insanely impressive seeing as, for us humans, it can take as long as 18 months!
At birth, a baby impala is a marvel of nature’s design, weighing only about 11 pounds and standing a mere couple of feet tall.
This small size, however, is a strategic advantage, allowing the newborn to hide in tall grasses and avoid predators.
This strategy ensures that the mother can devote full attention and resources to the newborn, increasing its chances of survival.