By Josie June 1st, 2023
The dragonfly is mesmerising to look at not only because of its iridescent colors, but also because of its aerodynamic talents
An adult dragonfly’s body usually measures 1 to 4 inches in length, although some species can grow larger.
The eyes are take up most of the head and offering nearly 360-degree vision, aiding them in hunting and evading predators.
They generally prefer wetland environments, such as marshes, ponds, and streams, as their larvae, known as nymphs, are aquatic.
They feed on other insects, such as mosquitoes, flies, and even other dragonflies.
They're able to eat while flying, rarely landing, which allows them to stay on the move.
With an incredible wingspan, these insects can fly in all directions with remarkable precision.
They can reach up to 60 miles per hour!
They have four wings that move independently, allowing them to adjust their direction quickly.
Their wings also have tiny veins that create air pockets, propelling them forward.
Their streamlined bodies and large thorax muscles give them the power to accelerate and change direction quickly.
The Pantala flavescens species has a history for the longest migratory journey of any insect, with some individuals traveling up to 7,500 miles in a single trip!
As carnivores, they eat mosquitoes, flies, and other pests that can harm humans and animals.
Their sensitivity to changes in water quality, temperature, and other factors makes them a valuable tool for scientists studying ecosystems.