The Northern Pacific Rattlesnake Bite

Varied colors (brown, gray, olive) with darker spots and patterns. Keeled scales with a textured appearance. Adults range from 2 to 4 feet in length



Found in various habitats in western U.S. (meadows, woods, rocky hillsides)


Ambush predator. Patiently waits for prey. Feeds on small mammals, birds, reptiles

Human Interaction

Generally not hostile, strikes when threatened. Defensive behavior: coiling, tail shaking

Venom Composition

Complex mixture of enzymes and poisons. Enzymes aid digestion, cause tissue damage. Poisons target victim's neurological system

Venom Function

Injected through bite to immobilize prey. Paralyzes victim, aids in digestion

Effects of Bite

Localized pain, swelling, bruising. Tissue destruction, inflammation. Systemic symptoms (nausea, weakness, difficulty breathing)

First Aid

Keep injured limb immobile and at/just below heart level. Avoid tourniquets, sucking out venom. Seek medical help promptly

Medical Care

Anti-venom administration to counteract venom<br>- Careful assessment due to potential allergic reactions


Long-term consequences possible (tissue damage, scars). Follow-up medical exams crucial

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