By Josie May 19th, 2023
Although their long eyelashes and big eyes make them adorable, it is their towering height that makes Giraffes truly unique.
These iconic animals are native to the African continent, where they can roam the grasslands and savannas in small herds.
George is the tallest giraffe ever recorded, measuring a whopping 19 feet (5.8 meters) tall at his full height.
George lived at the Chester Zoo in England in the 1950s, he was a gentle and friendly giraffe with a “cheeky personality”
In July 2020, Forest made headlines when Guinness World Records officially recognized him as the Second Tallest Giraffe Ever Recorded
At the time of his measurement, Forest stood at a staggering height of 18 feet 8 inches, just a few inches shy of George’s record.
One reason for their height is related to their diet.
The answer lies in their unique physiology and evolutionary history.
Their long necks provide them with a vertical reach of up to 20 feet, allowing them to access the uppermost leaves that other animals cannot reach.
Giraffes' bones are elongated but not thicker than those of other mammals their size, making them relatively lightweight despite their height.
Giraffes live in groups that, funnily enough, are referred to as ‘towers.’ These towers can consist of a few individuals to over 20.
Giraffes can run up to 35 miles (56 km) per hour, making them one of the fastest land animals despite their size.