By Josie  February 1st, 2024

This Lion Is Best Friends with a Dachshund

A massive 500-pound lion who goes by the name Bonedigger has formed an unlikely friendship with someone who is much, much smaller than himself – a tiny dachshund.

This extremely unusual (or maybe never even seen before) friendship shows a bond that defies size, species, and instinct.

The lion, named Bonedigger, and Milo, the dachshund, met at a wildlife refuge. From the moment they were introduced, there was an instant connection.

How the Friendship Started

Despite their size difference, Milo was never intimidated by Bonedigger’s massive stature. Bonedigger in turn has never showed any sort of aggression – because we all know that technically Milo could be swallowed in second.

Bonedigger suffers from a metabolic bone disease, causing him a disability that affects his one paw -a condition that might’ve been life-threatening in the wild.

The Lion's Disability

This disability, affecting his mobility and strength, has made Milo not just a friend but a vital companion in his daily life, providing him with the support and companionship he needs.

In the wild, a lion with a disability like Bonedigger’s would face immense challenges.

What Would've Happened to Him in the Wild?

His disfigured paw would make hunting and defending himself difficult, likely leading to an inability to survive in the harsh savanna.

They also love sharing a nice meal of meat together – although of course Bonedigger eats way more than Milo.

Just Two Besties Hanging Out

While the friendship between Milo and Bonedigger is exceptional, it’s not entirely unique.

Dogs and big cats can form bonds, especially when raised together from a young age

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