By Josie  February 20th, 2024

Top 10 Most Dog-Friendly States in the U.S.

There are many things you should consider before becoming a paw-rent, such as breed and temperament.

What is often overlooked, though, is how dog-friendly your surroundings are – a very decisive factor after all.

Here's the top 10 most dog-friendly states in the U.S.:

Maine tops the list with its extensive outdoor activities for dogs, including parks and beaches where they can roam freely.

#1 Maine

#2 Colorado

Known for its outdoor lifestyle, Colorado offers vast natural spaces for dogs and pet-friendly policies in housing.

Virginia stands out for its dog-friendly beaches and parks, alongside a welcoming attitude towards pets in many restaurants and cafes.

#3  Virginia

#4 Oregon

Oregon’s commitment to pet-friendly spaces, including off-leash parks and hiking trails, makes it a top choice for dog owners.

Its strong veterinary services and pet-friendly policies in public spaces and housing contribute to its high ranking.

#5  Massachusetts 

#6 California

With its sunny weather and beaches, California provides an ideal environment for dogs.

The state’s parks, hiking trails, and dog-friendly businesses create a welcoming environment for dog owners.

#7  Washington 

#8 New Hampshire

The state ranks high for its animal protection laws and pet-friendly community initiatives.

Wisconsin’s numerous pet-friendly parks and trails, along with its community events centered around pets, make it a great state for dog lovers.

#9  Wisconsin 

#10 Minnesota

The state’s commitment to animal welfare and community engagement with pets solidifies its place in the top ten.

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