Top 10 Most Endangered Animals in India

Top 10 Most Endangered Animals in India

Nilgiri Tahr


These are goats which are short in size having fur on their back and are also known as stocky goats. They are found in south region of Nilgiri Mountains and some parts of east and west portion of Tamil Nadu and south region of Kerala (India).

Indian Bison

These Indian bison are known as Gaur, they are commonly called as Gaur. They are found in south region and south east Asian region of India. The worldwide populace was assessed at a limit of 21,000 mature people in 2016. It has declined by over 70%



These are known as old world monkey which are found in west region of south India. They white cheeks which covers the head to the down of chin. With this look they are also known as beard ape. They are mainly found in rain forest and are majorly viewed in day time. It is diurnal, meaning it is dynamic solely in sunshine hours.

Lion Tailed Macaque

Kashmiri Red Stag


This animal is called as Hangul and they are marked as endangered species from many years. They are majorly found in various region of Himachal Paradesh and valleys of Kashmir. The population of Kashmiri Red stag is keeps on falling in 1970 which is around 150

One Horned Rhinoceros

The One-horned rhino is a huge warm blooded creature, found in Assam. Over the top hunting has diminished the quantity of this species. These rhinos are killed to cut off their horns, which are sold at an exceptionally high worth. These animals are marked as one of the largest rhino species in world.



Red Panda is otherwise called a lesser panda or red feline bear. It is an arboreal vertebrate local toward the eastern Himalayas. Red Panda’s populace is on a diminishing given to natural surroundings misfortune and discontinuity, poaching, and inbreeding misery. The red panda, otherwise called the lesser panda, is a little vertebrate local toward the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.

Red Panda

Black Buck


The Blackbuck is ungulate types of pronghorn and it is close undermined. The primary danger to this species is poaching, predation, natural surroundings obliteration, overgrazing, and inbreeding and asylum guests. They are majorly active in day time. There is a licking process which male bucks use to attract females for matting.

Snow Leopard

The snow leopard is a huge feline local to the mountain ranges in Focal and South Asia. Snow leopards have long, thick fur, and their base variety differs from smoky dark to yellowish tan, with whitish underparts. These creatures have progressed to burn through most fierce conditions on earth.



The Bengal Tiger is the public creature of both India and Bangladesh. The tiger’s jacket is yellow to light orange, with stripes going from dull brown to dark. The quantity of tigers has diminished decisively in the beyond couple of years, because of poaching and human-tiger struggle.

Bengal Tiger


These lions are a Panthera leo populace existing today just in India. Since the turn of the twentieth 100 years, its reach has been confined to Gir National Park and the encompassing regions in the Indian territory of Gujarat. By and large, it occupied a significant part of the Center East to northern India.

Asiatic Lion


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