The oceans’ gloomy depths in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans are home to Blobfish.
The Angler Fish, an animal with a furious appearance that dwells at the bottom of the Antarctic and Atlantic oceans.
A living fossil discovered in the dark depths of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, is one of the oldest sharks.
Monkfish, also known as goosefish, fishing frogs, sea devils, and anglers, is a bottom-dwelling fish belonging to the Lophiidae family.
The Goblin Shark is a deep ocean inhabitant and amongst one of the rarest sharks today. It is an active predator with a strangely formed mouth and a long, extended snout.
The Atlantic Wolffish, often referred to as the sea wolf or the devilfish, looks as terrible as its name implies. Its protruding, canine-like teeth pursue slow-moving prey like crabs, lobsters, sea urchins, and giant marine snails.
A dragonfish called Sloane’s Viperfish is present in temperate and tropical waters worldwide. It has an extended dorsal spine and mostly eats crustaceans and small fish.
The Hagfish is a bottom-dwelling, eel-shaped marine animal that lives all over the world in icy, deep waters.
Is a member of the stargazer family and has upward-facing lips and eyes on the top of its head. They can shock prey with electricity via their electroplates, which contributes their hunting skills.
It would be an understatement to suggest that the Red-lipped Batfish, another bottom-dweller found in the waters near the Galapagos Islands, is an odd fish.