Delving into Georgia's Brown Recluse Spider

Delving into Georgia's Brown Recluse Spider

White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Swipe to Discover Georgia's Brown Recluse Spider! 

White Frame Corner

The Brown Recluse Spider is a bugger, it may be tiny but it packs a punch with its venomous bite

Everyday Habits Of The Brown Recluse:


Are nocturnal, shy, and solitary


They hide in dark, sheltered places like closets, attics, and corners


They become active during warmer months, so it’s essential to be vigilant

Steps To Take To Prevent Infestations In Your Home:


First, keep your home clean and clutter-free, as spiders and other pests love to hide and nest in piles of clutter

Seal cracks or crevices in your walls, floors, and foundation to prevent easy access

Also, remember to keep food stored properly to avoid attracting pests that feed on crumbs and spills


These arachnids can be identified by their distinctive violin-shaped markings on their backs, which vary in color from light tan to dark brown

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