Washington’s Western Rattlesnake


Let’s uncover the habitat, physical characteristics, and more behind Washington’s most feared snake!


Found in rocky terrain and open woodlands of arid regions in eastern Washington; prefers areas with rocky outcroppings

Physical Characteristics

Triangular-shaped head, narrow neck, and long, thick body covered in diamond-shaped scales

Venom and Bite

Cause severe pain, swelling, and damage to tissue and organs

Safety Tips

Wear sturdy shoes, stay on designated hiking trails, avoid stepping over logs or rocks where snakes may take shelter

Safety Tips

Never touch or pick up reptiles encountered in the wild; if spotting a rattlesnake, give it a wide berth and slowly back away

Conservation Efforts

Measures taken by conservationists and state officials include education and awareness campaigns to preserve natural habitats

Conservation Efforts Creating protected areas where snakes can live and breed undisturbed


Identification Tips

Large triangular head, dark diagonal lines on each side, diamond-shaped spots, and rattling tail

Interesting Facts

There are 11 recognized subspecies of Western Rattlesnake, each with unique characteristics and markings

Interesting Facts They play an essential role in controlling rodent populations and are preyed upon by animals like coyotes and birds of prey


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