Not many animals start with Q, so it is understandable to get stuck after naming just a few of them. But we’re here to rectify that. It took a bit of searching for us, but we’ve got a list of 20 animals that start with the letter Q.
These plump game birds are popular and can be found almost everywhere globally. Quails have been domesticated for their meat and eggs.
Fun Fact: Quail hens can lay an average of 200 eggs annually.
The Quokka is a small marsupial that you can encounter only in Australia. This animal is one of the smallest species of wallabies in the world.
Fun Fact: The Quokka can go months without water.
With their soft spotted fur coats, these animals look like dainty eaters but eat anything they find alive or dead.
Fun Fact: Quolls are aggressive and ferocious despite their size and appearance.
You can find this bird in the rainforests of Central America. The Quetzal is brightly colored, and the golden green crest feathers on their heads are striking.
You can find this bird in the rainforests of Central America. The Quetzal is brightly colored, and the golden green crest feathers on their heads are striking.
The Quahog is a species of hard-shelled clams that live in many parts of North America and Europe.
Fun fact: Quahogs mate by releasing their gametes into the surrounding water.