Dogs, known as man's best friend, are friendly, loyal animals with a loving nature, providing security and companionship.
Jumping spiders exhibit remarkable agility, using silk anchors and leaping up to 50 times their body length.
Froghoppers, tiny bugs with bow-like features, can catapult themselves 100 times their body length.
Kangaroo rats, despite their name, resemble mice and possess remarkable leaping abilities to evade predators.
Grasshoppers: ancient jumpers, strong fliers, oldest chewing herbivores, dating back 250 million years.
Klipspringers: African antelope with 25-foot jumps, unique rubbery hooves, inhabit rocky mountain ranges in Eastern Africa.
Bharal: Himalayan blue sheep, caprine relative, found in India, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Nepal, and Pakistan.
Red kangaroos: Fastest hopping mammal, reach speeds of 35 mph, jump 6 feet high and 25 feet far.