By Josie April 13th, 2023
Walleye fish offer highly sought-after angling excitement because they are hardy fighters known for easily evading capture.
Walleye fish are a popular choice among anglers due to their hardy and mysterious nature, making them a great catch and impressive trophy.
They are known for their mild yet flavorful flesh; the fish is considered by many to be one of the best-tasting freshwater varieties available.
Walleye fish are most easily recognizable by their golden-green coloration.
They also have white-tipped fins and a sprinkling of black spots across their body.
Generally, mature walleye fish prefer cooler waters.
They typically live around rocky ledges, shallow weed beds, or any other structure where they can hide.
©Raver Duane, USFWS
During the day, they usually remain inactive, conserving energy by staying in deeper parts of lakes and rivers with little light penetration.
At night, they become active and hunt for prey.
They tend to go after smaller fish like perch and minnows, as well as crayfish and insects.
Walleyes can be found throughout North America.
Some popular locations include the Great Lakes region, like Lake Erie and Lake Superior.
©By Iduns kokbok