By Josie December 13th, 2023
Massive snakes are not an unusual sight in Australian homes and this woman removes two fighting snakes from a ceiling without as much as a single flinch.
The incident began with the family hearing loud thuds from their roof. Initially, the source of these noises was a mystery.
However, upon contacting snake removers, they confirmed it had been two Carpet Pythons making a home upstairs.
The video is a gripping documentation of both bravery and skill. It shows a snake catcher, Tiarnah, calmly and expertly removing two large carpet pythons from the ceiling.
While they are not venomous, they can pose a threat due to their size and strength.
Indicators of their presence include unusual noises, like the thuds heard by the residents in this case.
Other signs might include visual cues such as snake skins or droppings.
Residential ceilings make an ideal habitat for them, especially during colder months or breeding seasons.