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Five Spiders Most Likely To Kill You In Alabama

Black Widow Spider. Chuck Evans(mcevan)”., CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons
Black Widow Spider. Chuck Evans(mcevan)”., CC BY 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

There are over 500 different species of spiders in Alabama. Contrary to most beliefs, only a few of them are harmful, but the majority are not. Although they are an essential part of the ecosystem, some types of spiders should be avoided. These are Alabama’s top five black spiders that might be dangerous to you.

Southern Black Widow

black widow bite
Black Widow spider outdoors on a web. Image via Depositphotos

Evidently the Southern Black Widow is the most dangerous spider in Alabama. These spiders prefer dry areas like woodpiles, sheds, garages, and homes. Their shiny black bodies and red hourglass markings make them easy to identify. If bitten by a Southern Black Widow, seek medical attention immediately.

Northern Black Widow

black widow bite spiderman
Black widow. Image via Depositphotos

The Northern Black Widow is similar to its southern relative. They are usually found in rock piles and forests but can also hide in dark, quiet places in homes. Their bites are just as serious, requiring immediate medical care. These spiders are not to be underestimated.

False Black Widow

black widow bite
Image by Jon Butterworth via Unsplash

The False Black Widow looks like the Black Widow but is less dangerous. However their bites still need medical attention. These spiders are highly adaptable and can live both indoors and outdoors. Don’t let their name fool you; they can still pose a risk.

Eastern Parson Spider

Eastern Parson Spider
Image by Judy Gallagher –, CC BY 2.0,

The Eastern Parson Spider lives at ground level in leaf piles, rock piles, and wooded areas. Their bites are venomous but not harmful to humans. While not as dangerous as the widows, their bites can be painful and should be treated with caution.

Ground Spider

ground spider
Image by Benedikt – originally posted to Flickr as Callilepis nocturna, CC BY-SA 2.0,

Ground Spiders are smaller and live on the ground, as their name suggests. They do not spin webs but hunt for their food. Their bites are not dangerous to humans. Cleaning the bite area and keeping it clean will prevent infection.

Wrapping Up with Spiders in Alabama

Flying Joro spider
A closeup shot of a Joro spider. Image via Depositphotos

While spiders are beneficial to Alabama’s ecosystem, it’s important to be aware of the ones that can harm you. The Southern Black Widow, Northern Black Widow, and False Black Widow are the most dangerous.

The Eastern Parson Spider and Ground Spider are less harmful but still worth noting. Always be cautious in areas where these spiders might live, and seek medical attention if bitten.

What Do Spiders Eat?

Goliath birdeater
A Goliath bird-eating spider. This is the largest spider according to the Guinness World Records. Sheri (Bellatrix on Flickr), CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Spiders primarily eat insects, but their diet can include other small animals like mites and even other spiders. They use venom to immobilize their prey and then consume them.

How Do Spiders Catch Their Prey?

Brazilian wandering spider – Phoneutria nigriventer. Image via Depositphotos

Spiders use webs, speed, and stealth to catch their prey. Some spiders build intricate webs to trap insects, while others hunt actively. They rely on their quick reflexes and sharp senses.

Are All Spiders Venomous?

Brazilian wandering spider - danger poisonous Phoneutria Ctenidae
Image via Depositphotos

Yes, all spiders have venom, but not all venom is harmful to humans. Most spider venom is designed to subdue small prey and poses little risk to people. Only a few species have venom dangerous to humans.

How Many Eyes Do Spiders Have?

Funnel-web spider
Sydney Funnel-Web Spider in defensive pose. Image via Depositphotos

Most spiders have eight eyes arranged in different patterns, but some species have fewer. Despite having multiple eyes, spiders generally have poor vision and rely on their other senses to navigate.

How Do Spiders Reproduce?

Funnel-web spider
Close up of Sydney Funnel-web Spider. Image via Depositphotos

Spiders reproduce through a process where the male transfers sperm to the female using specialized appendages called pedipalps. The female then lays eggs in a silk sac, which she protects until they hatch.

Why Do Spiders Spin Webs?

Trapdoor spider, genus Tigidia. Image by RealityImages via depositphotos

Spiders spin webs to catch prey, create shelters, and protect their eggs. The silk used in web-building is strong and flexible, making it an effective tool for various purposes.

How Long Do Spiders Live?

Furrow Spider waiting in its web. Image by cwiederspahn via depositphotos

The lifespan of spiders varies by species. Many spiders live for about a year, but some can live several years, especially in captivity. Female spiders generally live longer than males.

Do Spiders Have Blood?

nursery spider
Nursery-web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis). Image by imagebrokermicrostock via depositphotos

Yes, spiders have a circulatory system that pumps hemolymph, a fluid similar to blood, through their bodies. Hemolymph carries nutrients and oxygen to their cells and removes waste products.

Can Spiders Regrow Lost Limbs?

Funnel-web spider
Labyrinth or Funnel-web Spider (Agelena labyrinthica). Image via Depositphotos

Some spiders can regenerate lost limbs during their molting process. This ability is more common in younger spiders, and the new limb may be smaller or less functional than the original.

How Do Spiders Communicate?

Funnel-web spider
Funnel-web spider. Image via Depositphotos

Spiders communicate through vibrations, body language, and sometimes chemical signals. They use these methods to attract mates, ward off rivals, and alert others to danger.

What Is the Largest Spider in the World?

camel spider
Image via Depositphotos

The Goliath birdeater is the largest spider in the world by mass, while the giant huntsman spider has the longest leg span. Both species are found in tropical regions and can be quite intimidating.

How Do Spiders Benefit the Ecosystem?

Solifuge or camel spider. Image via Depositphotos

Spiders help control insect populations, reducing the spread of disease and crop damage. They are an essential part of the food web, serving as both predators and prey.

Are Spiders Social Creatures?

giant huntsman spider
Giant huntsman spider (Heteropoda maxima). Petra & Wilfried, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Most spiders are solitary, but some species exhibit social behaviors, such as living in colonies and cooperative hunting. These social spiders are rare and found in specific environments.

How Do Spiders Walk on Walls?

sea spider
Sea spider Nymphon sp. Image via Deposit photos

Spiders can walk on walls and ceilings thanks to tiny hairs and adhesive pads on their feet. These features create friction and allow them to cling to surfaces.

What Should You Do If Bitten by a Spider?

Spitting Spider of the Genus Scytodes. Image by via

If bitten by a spider, clean the wound with soap and water, apply a cold compress, and seek medical attention if necessary. Identifying the spider can help determine the best course of treatment.

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