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21 Animals That Call Acadia National Park Home

21 animals that call Acadia national park home.

Acadia National Park is located on Maine’s Mount Desert Island and has 47000 acres. The coastal island is an exciting biodiversity hotspot, and various animals live there. Let’s find out which animals call Acadia National Park home.

Bald Eagle

Bald eagle
Bald eagle soaring through the air. Image by Stephen Meyers via Pexels.

These majestic birds of prey are often seen soaring over Acadia’s coastline and nesting in tall trees.

Harbor Seal

Harbor seal. Image via depositphotos.

Harbor seals can be spotted along the rocky shores and in the waters around Acadia, especially during the breeding season.


A male moose takes a rest in a field during a light rainshower.
Moose are the tallest mammals in North America. Image by Ryan Hagerty –, Public Domain,

 While elusive, moose can sometimes be seen in the forests and wetlands of Acadia National Park.

Red Fox

red fox
Red foxes’ forepaws have five toes, while their hind feet only have four! Image by Erik Mclean via Unsplash

Red foxes are common in Acadia, with their reddish fur standing out against the park’s diverse landscapes.

White-tailed Deer

white tailed deer
Two white tailed deer graze in the grassy field near Hauser, Idaho. Image by gjohnstonphoto via

These graceful herbivores are abundant in Acadia’s woodlands and meadows.

Black Bear

Black Bear
Black bears are excellent climbers and can ascend trees with ease, using their strong claws and agile limbs to reach heights of up to 50 feet. Image by Aaron Brewer via Pexels

While encounters are rare, black bears inhabit the forests and mountains of Acadia National Park.

Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe Hare
Snowshoe hare captured mid-leap in the snow. Image by JimCumming via Depositphotos

Snowshoe hares are well – adapted to Acadia’s winter conditions, changing their fur color to white to blend in with the snow.

Northern Goshawk

Northern Goshawk. Image via depositphotos.

This formidable raptor hunts in Acadia’s forests, preying on smaller birds and mammals.

Eastern Coyote

Eastern coyote. Image by, CC BY-SA 3.0 US, via Wikimedia Commons

Coyotes are occasionally seen in Acadia, primarily in the more remote areas of the park.


Bobcat in a forest
Bobcat in a forest. Image by Miller_Eszter via Pixabay

These elusive felines roam the forests of Acadia, hunting small mammals and birds.

Common Loon  

Common Loon (Gavia immer) Baby and Parent. Image via depositphotos.

Loons can be found on the lakes and ponds of Acadia National Park, known for their haunting calls.

Barred Owl

barred owl
A Barred owl. Image by Collins93 via

Barred owls are nocturnal hunters, inhabiting Acadia’s forests and wetlands.

Atlantic Puffin  

puffin standing on a rock cliff . fratercula arctica. Image via depositphotos.

Acadia’s offshore islands host breeding colonies of these iconic seabirds during the summer months.


Osprey with a fish in its claws.
Osprey with a fish in its claws. By rob Stoeltje from loenen, netherlands – DSC03883, CC BY 2.0,

Ospreys can be seen diving for fish in Acadia’s coastal waters, nesting on platforms and tall structures.

Northern Saw-whet Owl

Surprised Northern Saw-whet Owl. Image via depositphotos.

These small owls are occasionally spotted in Acadia’s woodlands, particularly during the winter months.

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon overing above its prey. Image by Erik van Dijk on Unsplash.

Peregrine falcons nest on the cliffs of Acadia, using their incredible speed to hunt birds in flight.

Spotted Salamander

A Spotted salamander. Image by o2beat on depositphotos.

These amphibians breed in the vernal pools of Acadia National Park, migrating to the pools during the spring.

Eastern Red-backed Salamander

Full body closeup on an adult North american Eastern red backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus on green moss. Image via depositphotos.

Found in the park’s forests, these small salamanders are often encountered under rocks and logs.

Red Squirrel

red squirrel
A red squirrel. Image by Ray eye – Photograph by Ray eye, CC BY-SA 2.0 de,

Red squirrels are abundant in Acadia’s forests, with their chattering calls often heard overhead.

Northern Water Snake

Northern Water Snake
Northern Water Snake (Nerodia sipedon) in the Northern Highland-American Legion State Forest of Wisconsin. Image by Wirepec via Depositphotos

These non-venomous snakes can be found in Acadia’s freshwater habitats, feeding on fish and amphibians.

Wood Frog

Wood Frogs
A wood frog. Image by Jared Evans on Unsplash.

Wood frogs are common in Acadia’s forests, known for their ability to survive freezing temperatures during the winter months.


Jordan Pond in Acadia National Park, Maine, USA. Image via depositphotos.

These are just a few examples of the diverse wildlife that can be found in Acadia National Park. Each species plays a vital role in the park’s ecosystem, contributing to its biodiversity and natural beauty. I hope you enjoyed reading about the animals that call Acadia National Park Home. To read more like this, check out the articles below:

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