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Aggressive Turkeys Become a Problem in New Jersey

aggressive turkeys in New Jersey

These turkeys are making headlines, not for their role in Thanksgiving feasts, but for their aggressive behavior! Perhaps these wild turkeys know what’s about to happen to their domesticated counterparts and have decided to riot in response to upcoming Thanksgiving feasts?

After all, these are big birds, and although not lethal, crossing paths with an aggressive wild turkey is not a pleasant experience, as these New Jersey residents confirm.

aggressive turkeys in New Jersey
©Todd Frazier

A Brief Introduction to Wild Turkeys

We’re all familiar with turkeys – the large birds known for their distinctive fan-shaped tails and gobbling calls. Historically, these birds roamed the continent’s forests and grasslands. However, urban expansion and changing landscapes have brought them into closer contact with human populations.

Unlike their domesticated counterparts, wild turkeys are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of habitats, including suburban areas.

Although this adaptability shows their resilience, it has led to increased human-turkey interactions, some of which have been less than friendly.

Can Wild Turkeys Be Dangerous?

Male turkeys, especially during the breeding season, can become territorial and may see humans as rivals. This can lead to them charging, pecking, or following individuals.

Although not life-endangering, encounters can be alarming and potentially harmful, especially to children or the elderly. It’s important to remember that, like any wild animal, turkeys can be unpredictable and you should exercise caution around them.

Aggressive Turkeys in New Jersey: Footage

YouTube video

In Toms River, New Jersey, residents have reported an unusual number of wild turkey sightings. They describe the birds as a nuisance and even dangerous.

These turkeys have been damaging property, blocking roads, and in some cases, acting aggressively towards people. The situation has escalated to the point where the community is seeking solutions to manage the turkey population and reduce conflicts.

What Is Being Done About It?

In response to the rising concerns, local authorities and wildlife experts have been exploring various strategies to address the turkey issue.

Measures such as relocation and habitat modification are being considered. Additionally, educational campaigns are being launched to inform residents about how to coexist with these birds safely.

In the meanwhile, authorities emphasize the importance of not feeding wild turkeys, as this can encourage them to associate humans with food and lead to more aggressive behavior.

How to Deal with Aggressive Wild Turkeys

Dealing with aggressive wild turkeys requires a combination of caution and understanding of their behavior. Experts advise maintaining a safe distance and not feeding the birds, as this can embolden them.

If confronted by a turkey, it is recommended not to turn your back or run, as this can trigger a chase. Instead, stand your ground, make loud noises, and wave your arms to assert dominance.

Aggressive Turkeys in New Jersey: Closing Thoughts


With Thanksgiving around the corner, turkeys are on everybody’s mind, except most prefer them on the dinner table rather than terrorizing their gardens and neighbors. While these birds are an important part of our ecosystem, their interactions with humans can turn violent.

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