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Groomer Turns Cat into CATZILLA

Groomer Turns Cat into CATZILLA
Image via npcpets

Discover the delightful transformation of a regular cat into “Catzilla,” complete with a prehistoric-inspired fur style.


In this video, we see a cat that has amusingly been transformed into “Catzilla,” a nickname inspired by the iconic movie monster Godzilla. 

The owner’s unique request to the groomers was to style the cat’s fur to resemble a prehistoric creature’s spiky, intimidating back.

The result was nothing short of spectacular!

This creative grooming choice changed the cat’s appearance and gave it a new, playful persona.

A Trip to the Groomer

The journey began with a regular visit to the groomer, but the owner had a vision that was anything but ordinary. 

They wanted their cat to embody a creature from a prehistoric fantasy, and the groomers were up for the challenge.

And they were not let down!

Forever Known as Cat-Zilla

Since its makeover, the cat has earned the affectionate nickname Catzilla.

The moniker isn’t just because of its new look, but also its playful antics.

This whimsical styling has turned Catzilla into a local celebrity among friends and family.

The Video

“CATZILLA” via npcpets

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Cat’s Funny Reaction to Cat-Cake being Cut

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