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Dog Breeds That Begin With S

dog breeds that begin with S
Samoyed. Photo by Christian Testa via Unsplash

This post will be zooming on seven dog breeds that have one thing in common – their names all begin with S.

dog breeds that begin with s

The total number of officially recognized dog breeds throughout the world is 360. Some of them are more intelligent, friendly, and gentle than others. And some are unique because of their protective and calm nature.

Some dog breeds are pure, while others are hybrid. Many factors distinguish every dog breed from the others, such as their size, coat, color, temperament, and intelligence – just to mention a few. 

Let’s dive into the world of dogs and uncover the top 7 dog breeds that begin with S. Perhaps you’ll find a furry companion that would be a perfect addition to your family.

Dog Breeds That Begin With S

Naturally, there are way more than seven dog breeds that begin with the letter S. We’ve listed the seven most popular breeds and discussed them in detail. 

#1 Saint Bernard

saint bernard

Weight and Size

The adult male saint bernard measures about 28 to 30 inches at the withers, whereas the females measure 26 to 28 inches. 

This dog breed is extremely large. Males weigh around 140 to 180 lbs, and females weigh 120 to 140 lbs.


They have a lifespan of 8 to 10 years.


Saint Bernards, as the name suggests, are gentle and calm dog breeds and far from aggressive like some people assume because of their size. They are also patient, but as they have looming physical makeup, some people are frightened of these gentle giants.

Although they are gentle, if you have an infant in your home, it is better to consider getting a Saint Bernard carefully, as it may unintentionally harm the child. Otherwise, they are the perfect family dog breed. Surely you remember the iconic dog “Beethoven” from the 90’s kids movie with the same name. Of course it must be included in this list of dog breeds that begin with S.

Additionally, they don’t like to exercise and are prone to being lazy. What they’re really good at, though, is enhancing people’s moods. They often work well as therapy dogs due to the sense of safety their large and fluffy bodies encompass. 

Grooming and Maintenance

Saint Bernards either have long or short fur. However, both types of bernards shed their hair heavily during the fall and spring; therefore, they require regular grooming. Brush their fur to remove the loose hair so that the shedding remains controlled.

This dog breed requires regular care and maintenance as they don’t prefer exercise; therefore, it is essential to ensure that they stay at a healthy weight to avoid any health issues.

Also, if you own a Saint Bernard, keep observing them to see if they often tilt or shake their head. If so, it means they are suffering from ear issues and will need a check-up at the vet. Clean their ears on a regular basis to avoid them getting ear infections.  

Brush their teeth with dog-friendly toothpaste daily to keep their gums healthy and breath free of smell. Maintain their nails by keeping their nails short and clean. They have a tendency to drool quite a lot, so be prepared to wipe their mouths often and to find puddles of saliva around the house. 


This dog breed is lazy and don’t need too much exercise.


Training them is easy when you start training them from an early age. Although they are somewhat stubborn, including other dogs in training puts a positive reinforcement on them, and as a result, the activity appears more fun to them, and they learn more quickly. You can train them for various work purposes.


  • They like to live in cooler regions.
  • They prefer to spend less time doing exercises.
  • They may either have long-haired coats or short-haired coats.

#2 Saarloos Wolfdog

Saarloos Wolfdog

Weight and Size

Saarloos Wolfdogs are also among the largest dog breeds. The male weighs around 79 to 80 pounds, whereas the female Saarloos Wolfdog weighs approximately 66 to 77 pounds.

Similarly, the height of the male Saarloos Wolfdog is more than that of the female. The male is 24 to 30 inches tall, and the female is 23 to 28 inches tall.


The average lifespan of a Saarloos Wolfdog is between 10 to 12 years.


Saarloos are among the more intelligent dog breeds, but they may show destructive behavior if you don’t stimulate them mentally and physically. Therefore, ensure they get lots of exercise and provide them with interactive toys and games. 

Their mentality resembles that of their ancestor: the Eurasian gray wolf. Consequently, they love spending time with other dogs and animals. 

They possess independent personalities. Instead of displaying aggressive behavior towards strangers, they prefer to run away. They don’t like to spend much time alone and easily suffer from separation anxiety.

Grooming and Maintenance

This dog breed sheds twice a year. When this happens, they shed moderately, so brushing them once-twice a week is required. 

Give your Saarloos Wolfdog frequent baths. But be mindful not to over-bath them as it could cause a reduction of the natural oils in their hair, compromising the waterproof ability of their coat.

Brushing the Saaroos’ teeth a few times a week and clipping their nails when required is essential, so they don’t get hurt while walking.


They require regular exercise; therefore, taking them on long walks twice a day or taking them with you on hiking, jogging, or running can also fulfill their exercise needs. Additionally, letting them out in a large backyard is a great option if you have access to one. 

However, while they also need lots of exercise as puppies, be cautious as their bones are not fully developed, and overexertion could lead to joint issues.


Saarloos are intelligent and always eager to learn something new, which is a definite advantage when training them. Overall, they learn new commands fairly quickly as long as training is consistent and positive reinforcement is used.


  • Saarloos Wolfdogs are very loving towards the people in the family.
  • They are great watchdogs.
  • The Saarloos Wolfdog is also called the European Wolfdog.
  • This dog breed was first created in 1932.

#3 Samoyed


Weight and Size

The male Samoyed weighs around 45 to 65 pounds, and the females usually weigh 35 to 50 pounds.

Like many other dog breeds, the samoyed male is larger overall. The males are 21 to 23.5 inches tall, whereas the females are 19 to 21 inches tall.


Samoyeds live around 10 to 14 years.


You will love the samoyed presence because they are very friendly. They have happy personalities and are alert and gentle. They are capable of adapting to various situations easily.

As they are family dogs, they are playful and can be left alone with children to play with. They are an active dog breed because they used to hunt and herd in Siberia.

Grooming and Maintenance

Like many other dog breeds, the Samoyed also sheds a lot. The good news is that it is hypoallergenic, so even though it sheds a lot, it shouldn’t be too much of a nuisance. However, brushing them on a regular basis is good practice to keep them from spreading everywhere in the house. 

Moreover, you must bathe them monthly, trim their nails very often, and maintain their dental hygiene by brushing their teeth. Therefore some Samoyed owners take assistance from experienced groomers to maintain them properly.


Samoyed needs extensive exercise as they are very energetic dogs. They may show various destructive behaviors if you don’t provide them with plenty of exercise opportunities.


It is a stubborn dog, so you must be patient in training them and be sure to learn them basic commands while they’re still puppies.


  • Genetically Samoyed resembles the wolf.
  • They have smiley faces.
  • The Samoyed was named after the Samoyed people who used them as working dogs.

#4 Saluki


Weight and Size

The female Saluki weighs around 35 to 45 pounds, and the males weigh 40 to 65 pounds.

The male Saluki reaches heights of 23 to 26 inches, and the female 20 to 25 inches tall.


The average lifespan of a Saluki is 12 to 14 years.


The Saluki is known for its warm and pleasant personality. It is an affectionate, playful, and very good-natured dog breed. It is energetic, but it likes to relax and cuddle as well. 

They enjoy participating in various activities and games, which will prevent them from displaying negative behaviors toward people. 

Grooming and Maintenance

Their furs possess a natural ability to keep healthy and clean without much interference. Nonetheless, they require grooming from time to time when their coat is visibly dirty.

Trimming their nails every month is advisable to prevent them from splitting and cracking. You must also clean their ears and regularly check for any infection.


Saluki needs a considerable amount of exercise, at least one hour a day, because it is a highly athletic dog breed. Involving Saluki in vigorous activities like running, games, long walks, and sports keeps them healthy and prolongs their lifespan.


It is an even-tempered, eager, and intelligent dog breed; training them is relatively easy.


  • It is one of the oldest known dog breeds.
  • Salukis are typically shy with strangers.
  • Saluki is athletic and graceful.

#5 Saint Shepherd

Weight and Size

The Saint Shepherd is known for its considerable size; therefore, it will take up quite a bit of space in your home. The male Saint Shepherd dog is 28 to 31 inches tall, while the females have a height of 25 to 28 inches. 

The Saint Shepherds are heavier than many dog breeds. The fully matured male weight is almost 95 to 150 pounds, and the females weigh 85 to 140 pounds.


These dogs have an average lifespan of 10 to 14 years.


They have a gentle and friendly nature and are eager to please the people in their family. Also, Saint Shepherd is a highly intelligent dog breed.

Grooming and Maintenance

Their shedding is fairly heavy, so they brush their coat four to five times weekly to remove all the excess hair. They don’t need frequent baths, but brushing their teeth at least three times a week will enhance their dental hygiene. 


They require a good amount of daily exercise, at least one and a half hours, to keep their muscles strong and healthy. If you don’t provide Saint Shepherds enough time for exercise, they might become aggressive and overbearing. Therefore, it is advised to let them swim, hike, run, walk, and play with other dogs in the park, or in other large and safe spaces in nature. 


Saint Shepherds are easy to train because they are quick learners and don’t need long training as they get the commands easily.


  • The Saint Shepherd is a hybrid dog breed; it’s a cross between German Shepherds and Saint Bernards.
  • They may drool a lot.
  • It is an obedient dog breed.

#6 Sapsali


Weight and Size

A male Sapsali weighs around 40 to 62 pounds, and females weigh about 35 to 55 pounds.

As the Sapsali is a medium-sized dog breed, the male is around 20 to 23 inches tall, whereas the female is only 22 inches tall.


Their lifepsan is about 10 to 12 years.


They possess caring and gentle nature, but when they are around strangers, they sometimes act aggressively and might become nervous. Due to this, it’s important to socialize them from an early age. Once they observe their owners comfortably and relax around the strangers, they usually also relax and accept the strangers.

This dog is protective, loyal, and friendly. They love the presence of children around them.

Grooming and Maintenance

As Sapsalis have double-layered thick coats, they require intense grooming. They need proper daily brushing that removes the hide mats or tangles from their undercoat.

They don’t need daily baths, but once a week is advisable. Giving attention to their nails is also vital.


The Sapsali requires tough exercise for 45 minutes every day. As it is a bright dog, it also requires mental stimulation. Although the Sapsali is less active when compared to many other dog breeds, they will behave negatively toward you if you don’t give them sufficient attention and exercise.


The Sapsali learns quickly as it is an intelligent dog breed; therefore, training them is a super easy task. Furthermore, they like to please their owners, so they do whatever is asked of them – especially when there are treats involved.

Training them with non-confrontational methods will make it easier to train them. They are the perfect dog for first-time dog owners. 


  • Sapsali dogs are also called “ghost hunters.”
  • It is native to Korea.
  • It is one of the greatest watchdog breeds.

#7 Siberian Husky

siberian husky

Weight and Size

They are medium-sized dogs. The Siberian husky weighs around 35 to 60 pounds and is 20 to 24 inches tall. The male is a touch larger than the female Siberian husky.


Siberian Huskies have an estimated lifespan of 14 years, which is quite long for a dog of their size.


They are super intelligent and like to spend time with other dogs and humans. Although they are not great guard dogs, they are trustworthy and friendly.

Grooming and Maintenance

Huskies don’t require intense maintenance; they only need a bath a few times a year. To make them look more healthy, brush their coats weekly. Also, brush their coat daily during their shedding process, which happens twice a year, to prevent matting.


At least two hours of daily exercise is recommended for Siberian huskies because they possess high energy levels. They love to participate in daily walks, agility training, and hiking.


They are not difficult to train and like to perform various tasks because they are working dogs. No matter how much you train the Siberian husky, though, never leave them alone in an open area because it can run from you because of its wanderlust and independence.


  • They have a high energy level
  • Siberian huskies love to run.
  • They might be as old as 3000 years.
  • Siberian huskies are friendly.

Frequently Asked Questions

YouTube video
What is the rarest dog?

The rarest dog breed is the Norwegian Lundehund which dates back to the ice age. This dog breed has special unique characteristics that are not found in any other dog breed, making it the rarest dog breed worldwide.

What is the number one dog breed?

The number one dog breed since 1991 is the Labrador Retriever, a favorite dog breed of many individuals and immensely popular amongst families with children all around the world. 

What is the most abandoned dog?

The dog breed that is abandoned most frequently is the Pit Bull. 

What is the smartest dog?

The smartest dog is the Border Collie when compared to 131 other breeds with high intelligence. 


Saint BernardSaarloos WolfdogSamoyedSalukiSaint ShepherdSapsaliSiberian Husky
Lifespan8 to 10 years10 to 12 years10 to 14 years12 to 14 years10 to 14 years10 to 12 years14 years
TemperamentGentle and calmIntelligent and want attentionFriendly, alert and gentleWarm and pleasantGentle, friendly, eager to please peopleCaring and gentleTrustworthy, friendly and intelligent
Grooming And MaintenanceRegular grooming requiredRegular grooming requiredChallenging taskNeed weekly grooming Regular exercise requiredIntense grooming neededDon’t need intense maintenance
ExerciseLazy don’t prefer exerciseRegular exercise requiredNeed extensive exerciseConsiderable exercise requiredNeed adequate exerciseRequires tough exerciseDaily exercise required
TrainingStubbornEager to learnStubborn dog breedRelatively easy to trainEasy to trainSuper easy to trainDifficult to train

Dog Breeds That Begin With S: The Bottom Line

dog breeds that begin with S

Detailed above are seven different dog breeds that being with S. They are all of various sizes, temperaments, and origins – the only one thing these dog breeds have in common is that their names begin with an “S.”

Most of these dog breeds are family dogs and love to spend time with family people. Their life expectancy varies from each other, but on average, their lifespan is around 12 years.

Whichever dog you want to bring into your family, make sure to pay extra attention to their grooming and maintenance needs so that you’ll be prepared for the time you need to put into their well-being. You should also consider their exercise requirements to ensure that it matches your lifestyle. 

Thank you for reading this article! There is still much more to discover when it comes to dogs. If you’re curious for a comparison between two breeds, read about the Bernese Mountain Dog vs. Australian Shepherd. Take a look at our article to find out If Dogs Can Eat Peanuts.

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