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Gorilla Vs. German Shepherd

gorilla vs. german shepherd

In this post we’ll assess two species who live completely different lives: the Gorilla Vs. German Shepherd.

Are you ready to determine the winner in a battle of strength and agility? Today, we will compare the Gorillas vs. German Shepherd, two vastly different species with vastly different habits. We’ll examine their physical capabilities – from size to speed, power to intelligence – and provide insights on which one comes out ahead. 

So get comfortable and buckle up; going through this rollercoaster of fascinating rivalry between two iconic species will be exciting.

Comparison of Size, Strength, and Agility


  • Gorillas are much larger than German Shepherds, on average weighing up to 420 pounds and standing five feet tall. 
  • On the other hand, German Shepherds typically range from 50-90 pounds with a maximum of 130 pounds and stand 24-26 inches tall.


  • Gorillas have an incredible strength advantage over German Shepherds due to their size. They can lift up to 10 times their body weight and move at speeds up to 25 mph, making them one of the strongest animals in the world. 
  • On the other hand, German Shepherds are strong for their size but are less powerful than gorillas. They can lift approximately twice their body weight and achieve speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.


  • Gorillas are incredibly agile despite their size due to their natural climbing ability, balance, and coordination. They can climb trees quickly while carrying objects and are excellent jumpers. Did you know that they are able to leap more than 20 feet in the air in one bound?
  • While German Shepherds are very athletic, they lack the agility that gorillas possess because of their smaller size and build. They can still jump great distances (up to 6 feet in one leap) but cannot climb or maneuver as well as gorillas due to their bulkier frame.

Gorilla Vs. German Shepherd: Temperament Comparison

When considering the comparison between Gorillas and German Shepherds, it is important to consider the temperament of each species as well. Both possess distinct personalities that impact their interactions with humans and other creatures within their surroundings.


  • The temperament of gorillas can differ based on the circumstances and the individual’s character. 
  • Gorillas are peaceful creatures that are calm when not feeling threatened. 
  • They tend to be more friendly with those they trust and share bonds with, often forming strong familial groups within their troop. 
  • Gorillas have a strong sense of self-awareness and can protect family members or territory. 
  • While they may appear intimidating due to size or behavior, they rarely become aggressive without cause. 
  • However, if provoked or feeling threatened, they can become very aggressive and do whatever it takes to protect themselves or another troop member.

German Shepherds

  • German Shepherds are known for being alert and highly intelligent dogs that make excellent guard dogs and loyal companions. 
  • They typically display a steady but confident demeanor which makes them great at following commands while also showing dominance over intruders or dangerous situations if necessary. 
  • While generally easier to train than gorillas, they still require consistent structure and routine to reach their full potential within the home as well as outside of it. 
  • German Shepherds often form strong bonds with their owners given that proper socialization has been done from an early age to feel comfortable around other people, allowing them to differentiate between friendliness versus fear or aggression towards strangers in public settings.

Pros and Cons: Gorilla Vs. German Shepherd

Here, we will discuss the pros and cons of each breed

Pros of Gorillas

#1 Incredible Strength

Gorillas possess overwhelming strength, they are able to lift things many times heavier than their own body weight.

#2 Intelligent

Gorillas are highly intelligent animals, enabling them to quickly learn quickly. They develop strong bonds with their owners.

Cons of Gorillas

#1 Expensive

Purchasing or adopting a gorilla can be costly due to the special habitats they require and the ongoing medical expenses related to their care.

#2 Dangerous

Even with proper training and socialization from an early age, gorillas can still present risks, such as unpredictable aggression or destructive behavior, if mishandled by inexperienced owners.

#3 Space Requirements

Because gorillas are large primates with lots of energy, they require ample indoor and outdoor space for proper daily exercise and psychological stimulation.

Pros of German Shepherds

#1 High Intelligence & Trainability

They’re known for being one of the smartest dog breeds, which makes them easy to train for various tasks around the house, such as fetching items or providing protection from intruders. 

#2 Loyal Companionship

German shepherds form strong bonds with their owners over time, making them great indoor and outdoor companions when given enough attention daily. They are also very active, which is ideal if you want an energetic companion who enjoys walking with you or playing games in the yard together.

Cons of German Shepherds

#1 Health Issues

While they’re generally considered healthy dogs overall due to their hardy breed characteristics – like any other dog – they suffer from specific health issues such as hip dysplasia or skin allergies that should be monitored closely by owners.

#2 Shedding

Like all long-haired breeds – German shepherds shed more than most other breeds – so regular brushing is necessary not just during shedding season but year-round to maintain optimal hygiene levels in your home environment.

Tips On How To Train a Gorilla or German Shepherd

Training either animal requires dedication from both sides (owner & pet.) Listed below are some tips that can aid in training either one based on your lifestyle requirements:

Gorilla Training Tips 

#1 Establish Boundaries Early On

Your gorilla must know its place within your household structure at all times; otherwise, it could lead to aggressive behavior later down the line. Make sure boundaries are established early on through reinforcement techniques such as positive reinforcement when desired behaviors are exhibited, negative reinforcement when undesired behaviors occur, and physical guidance when needed.

#2 Create Enrichment Opportunities

Gorillas love mental stimulation. Boredom leads to trouble, so make sure there are plenty of stimulating activities available throughout each day, such as puzzles, hide n’ seek games, etc. 

German Shepherd Training Tips

#1 Start With Basic Commands

Start by teaching basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “meet me here,” etc., so that your shepherd associates those words with certain actions when called upon. 

#2 Remain Calm & Assertive

An assertive attitude towards training will show your shepherd that you are confident about what needs to be done. This helps establish trust between you two, which makes any training session much easier afterward. 

Key Points

When considering the comparison between gorillas and German shepherds, it is important to consider the temperament of each species as well as their physical capability.
Gorillas are much larger than German Shepherds, on average weighing up to 420 pounds and standing five feet tall.
German Shepherds typically range from 50-90 pounds with a maximum of 130 pounds and stand 24-26 inches tall.
Gorillas are incredibly agile despite their size due to their natural climbing ability, balance, and coordination.
German Shepherds are very athletic, they lack the agility that gorillas possess because of their smaller size and build.
Gorillas possess overwhelming strength. The German Shepherd is known for being one of the smartest dog breeds, which makes them easy to train.
Both creatures possess physical and mental capabilities far beyond many other species, making it impossible to declare a single victor.

Conclusion: Gorilla Vs. Shepherd

Both creatures possess physical and mental capabilities far beyond many other species, making it impossible to declare a single victor.

The gorilla is clearly significantly stronger and is much bigger in size, and would therefore probably win in a head on battle between the two. On the other hand, the German Shepherd is much more agile and would probably be able to outrun the gorilla. Moreover, the German Shepherd is well-known for its great sense of smell and could maybe sniff out the Gorilla way before they encounter each other, thereby avoiding the battle all together.

Which one is your favorite animal out of the two?

Thank you for reading this article on the Gorilla Vs. German Shepherd! Continue learning about Gorillas by reading our article on How Many Gorillas Are Left In the World? Or if you’d like to see the Gorilla in another battle, take a look at the Rhino Vs. Gorilla.

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