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Parrot Was Key ‘Witness’ in Murder Trial

Parrot Was Key 'Witness' in Murder Trial

African Gray was an unexpected key witness to the horrific crime scene.

Parrot Was Key 'Witness' in Murder Trial
Credit: YouTube / Inside Edition

In the annals of criminal trials, there have been many unexpected twists and turns, but perhaps none as extraordinary as the case of a parrot named Bud. In 2017, this colorful bird became an unlikely “witness” in a murder trial, shedding new light on a heinous crime.

The Crime

The story begins in May 2015 when a tragic incident occurred in the quiet town of Ensley, Michigan. Glenna Duram was accused of shooting her husband, Martin Duram, to death before attempting to take her own life. Martin’s body was discovered with multiple gunshot wounds, and it initially seemed like a murder-suicide.

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Enter ‘Bud’ the Parrot

Parrot Was Key 'Witness' in Murder Trial

The case took an unexpected turn when investigators found an unexpected witness at the crime scene: the couple’s African Grey parrot named Bud. Bud had been living with the Durams and was in the house when the crime took place. What set Bud apart was his remarkable ability to mimic and repeat human speech.

Bud’s Testimony

In the weeks following the murder, family members began to notice something astonishing. Bud, the parrot, started to repeat phrases that seemed eerily relevant to the crime. In particular, the parrot repeatedly squawked, “Don’t shoot!” in what appeared to be a mimicry of Martin’s last words. Bud’s vocalizations were so convincing that family members began to suspect that Glenna Duram might not have acted alone.

The Trial

Bud’s testimony, while unconventional, became a focal point during Glenna Duram’s trial in 2017. The prosecution argued that Bud’s words were not coincidental but rather indicative of a struggle and potential witness to the crime. The defense, on the other hand, questioned the credibility of a parrot’s testimony, arguing that Bud’s words were merely a result of repeated exposure to Martin’s last moments.

Verdict and Impact

In the end, Glenna Duram was found guilty of the murder of her husband, Martin. While Bud’s “testimony” was not the sole evidence that led to the conviction, it undoubtedly played a pivotal role in the trial. The case became a sensation, sparking debates about the reliability of animal witnesses in criminal trials and raising questions about the intelligence and abilities of birds like Bud.

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Why Do Parrots Remember and Repeat What We Say?

  • Parrots are highly social animals that thrive on interaction with their human caregivers. Mimicking human speech allows them to engage with and bond with their human companions, enhancing their social well-being.
  • Parrots are natural imitators. In the wild, they learn vocalizations from their parents and flock members. In captivity, they extend this imitative behavior to mimic the sounds they hear in their environment, including human speech.
  • Parrots have excellent auditory memory, which enables them to remember and replicate a wide range of sounds, including words and phrases. They are particularly skilled at reproducing sounds with remarkable accuracy.

Bottom Line

YouTube video

The case of Bud the Parrot is a unique and captivating chapter in the history of criminal justice. It showcases the unforeseen ways in which animals can become involved in human affairs and reminds us that the pursuit of justice can take unexpected twists, even involving feathered witnesses. While Bud’s role in the trial was extraordinary, it served as a poignant reminder that truth can sometimes be found in the most unexpected places.

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