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12 Flowers and the Beautiful Birds They Will Attract to Your Yard

Birds and the flowers they attract
Image by Dulcey Lima via Unsplash

Are you already an avid gardener or looking to pick up a dirty (in the best way) hobby? If so, here’s a list of breathtaking flowers and the birds they’ll attract to help you turn your garden into a garden of Eden.

#1 Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus)

Image by Michelle Francisca via Unsplash

Sunflowers are iconic for their tall stalks and large, bright yellow heads. Surprisingly, they are pretty easy to grow and can reach heights of several feet. Sunflowers are known for their hardy nature and ability to thrive in full sun – so if you have a tendency to forget to water your flowers, this might be a good choice for you.

..and they will attract

Image by Veronika_Andrews via pixabay

These plants are particularly appealing to seed-eating birds such as American goldfinches, cardinals, and chickadees. The large flower heads provide ample seeds, which are a vital food source for these little birdies throughout the late summer and fall.

#2 Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea)

Purple Coneflower
Image by Khara Woods via Unsplash

This flower is also a true burst of color (which is the reason we want flowers in our garden, no?) The purple coneflower is a native perennial with large, purple flowers and a central cone that is rich in nectar and seeds. But there’s more perks than color, it is also known for its medicinal properties and drought tolerance!

…and they will attract

Junco. Image by Anish Lakkapragada via Unsplash

The seeds of the coneflower attract a variety of songbirds, including goldfinches, sparrows, and juncos.

#3 American Holly (Ilex opaca)

american holly
Image by TanteLoe via Pixabay

American Holly is an evergreen tree known for its spiky green leaves and bright red berries. It can serve as a natural privacy screen while adding a splash of color during cold and murky winters.

…and they will attract

Blue Jay
Blue Jay. Image by Faye Cornish via Unsplash

The berries are a crucial food source for birds like robins, blue jays, and mockingbirds, especially in winter when food is scarce. Its dense foliage offers excellent protection and nesting sites – so you might be lucky enough to see some chicks as well.

#4 Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta)

black eyed susan
Image by MabelAmber via Pixabay

About the Plant: This cheerful, yellow-flowered plant is a staple in many gardens due to its vibrant color and ease of care. It thrives in full sun and can tolerate a variety of soil conditions.

…and they attract

Chaffinch. Image via Pixabay

Once the flowers mature and go to seed, they become a favorite food for finches, sparrows, and other adorable seed-eating birds. The plants’ height and structure also provide shelter for smaller birds.

#5 Crabapple Trees (Malus spp.)

Crabapple Tree
Image by Couleur via Pixabay

This tree will bring you joy in both spring and fall. Crabapple trees produce beautiful spring blossoms and small, colorful fruits in the fall. These trees come in various sizes, making them suitable for different garden spaces.

…and they attract

Evening Grosbeak
Evening Grosbeak. Image by AlainAudet via Pixabay

The fruit of crabapple trees attracts a wide range of birds, including grosbeaks, cedar waxwings, and thrushes. These birds love to feast on the fruit throughout the winter months.

#6 Trumpet Vine (Campsis radicans)

trumpet vine
Image by Catrina Carrigan via Unsplash

Known for its vigorous growth and stunning, trumpet-shaped flowers, this vine is a favorite among gardeners looking to cover trellises or fences. It thrives in warm climates and full sun.

…and they attract

Hummingbird. Image by Djalma Paiva Armelin via Pexels

The bright flowers are especially attractive to hummingbirds, which are drawn to the vine’s abundant nectar. Other than being a sight for sore eyes, you’ll also help support local hummingbird populations.

#7 Serviceberry (Amelanchier spp.)

service berry
Image by Georg Eiermann via Unsplash

Serviceberry, also known as Juneberry, is a small tree or shrub that offers beauty during all seasons. it will give you white spring flowers, edible summer berries, and vibrant fall foliage.

…and they attract

Robin. Image by JillWellington via Pixabay

The berries are a favorite of many bird species, including cedar waxwings and robins. The dense branches also provide nesting sites and protection.

#8 Dogwood Trees (Cornus spp.)

dogwood tree
Image by jmclain via Pixabay

Dogwood trees are beloved for their beautiful spring flowers and bright red berries. They are relatively small, making them an excellent choice if you don’t have a lot of space to work with.

…and they attract

Northern Cardial
Northern Cardinal. Image by Starkglow Photography via Unsplash

Bluebirds and cardinals love to snack on the berries. Not only that, the tree’s structure offers perfect shelter and nesting opportunities.

#9 Oak Trees (Quercus spp.)

oak tree
Image by Cristina Anne Castello via Unsplash

Oaks are mighty trees known for their strength, longevity, and the valuable habitat they provide. Their acorns are a critical food source for wildlife.

…and they attract

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse. Image by Anish Lakkapragada via Unsplash

Acorns attract woodpeckers, jays, and tufted titmice, among others. Oaks also support a higher diversity of caterpillars, providing a vital food source for nesting birds.

#10 Columbine (Aquilegia spp.)

Image by MabelAmber via Pixabay

This flower will bless your garden with distinctive, bell-shaped flowers that come in a wide range of colors. It’s best if you can provide it with partial shade and well-drained soil.

…and they attract

Ruby throated hummingbird in flight. By Gareth Rasberry – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

The nectar-rich flowers are particularly attractive to hummingbirds, making columbine a must-have for those looking to attract these mesmerizing birds.

#11 Berry Bushes

raspberry bush
Image by Couleur via Pixabay

Other than being attractive to birds, raspberry, blackberry, and blueberry bushes in your garden will allow you to harvest delicious berries. These bushes offer both shelter and nourishment for your local birdies.

…and they attract

black headed oriole
Black Headed Oriole. Image by Tarit Baran Sarkar via Unsplash

Orioles, thrushes, and even some warblers are drawn to the berries, while the dense foliage provides nesting sites and protection from predators.

#12 Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius)

Image by PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay

Safflower is an annual plant known for its bright orange or yellow flowers and oil-rich seeds. It’s drought-tolerant and can thrive in warm climates.

…and they attract

Dove. Image by Grey85 via Pixabay

The seeds of safflower are particularly appealing to cardinals, chickadees, and doves. Its advantage over sunflower seeds is that squirrels are less likely to steal them, leaving more for the birds.

Beautiful Flowers and the Birds They Will Attract: Conclusion

monarch butterfly
Colorful monarch butterfly sitting on chamomile flowers. Image by elenathewise via Depositphotos

Other than being a claiming and meditative hobby, gardening will grant you the opportunity to do some bird watching from your own house. What’s better than surrounding yourself with beautiful plants and animals?

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