Denali National Park spans over 6 million acres of Alaskan wilderness, boasting with its unique wildlife and tallest North American mountain. Let’s discover which animals call Denali national park home.
Grizzly Bear
Denali is home to a healthy population of grizzly bears, which are apex predators in the ecosystem. They can be seen roaming the park’s tundra and forests.
Moose are commonly spotted in Denali, particularly in the wetlands and willow thickets. They are the largest members of the deer family and are known for their distinctive antlers.
Dall Sheep
These white-colored sheep inhabit the mountainous regions of Denali. They are well adapted to the steep and rugged terrain.
Denali is home to the Denali Caribou Herd, one of the largest migratory caribou herds in Alaska. They migrate across the park’s vast landscape.
Gray Wolf
Wolves are one of the top predators in Denali and play a crucial role in maintaining the park’s ecosystem balance. They hunt in packs and are often elusive.
Arctic Ground Squirrel
These small rodents are commonly found in Denali’s tundra habitats. They hibernate during the winter months.
Red Fox
Red foxes are adaptable animals found throughout Denali. They prey on small mammals and birds.
Snowshoe Hare
These hares are well adapted to the snowy conditions of Denali. They have large hind feet that help them move across deep snow.
Denali is home to both rock and willow ptarmigan, which are well camouflaged against the snowy landscape. They are ground-dwelling birds.
These elusive cats inhabit the boreal forests of Denali. They are skilled hunters, primarily preying on snowshoe hares.
Bald Eagle
Denali is home to a variety of bird species, including bald eagles. These majestic birds can often be seen soaring over rivers and lakes.
Golden Eagle
Similar to bald eagles, golden eagles inhabit Denali’s vast wilderness and are skilled hunters.
River Otter
River otters are playful animals commonly found in Denali’s waterways. They are well adapted to aquatic environments.
Northern Goshawk
These birds of prey inhabit Denali’s forests and are skilled hunters, preying on smaller birds and mammals.
Arctic Tern
Denali is on the migration route of the Arctic tern, which travels thousands of miles from its breeding grounds in the Arctic to its wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere.
Arctic Grayling
These fish are found in Denali’s rivers and streams. They are a popular sportfish for anglers visiting the park.
Arctic Ground Beetle
These insects are well adapted to the harsh conditions of Denali’s tundra. They play a role in the park’s ecosystem as scavengers.
Snowshoe Rabbit
Snowshoe rabbits, also known as varying hares, are well adapted to the snowy conditions of Denali. Their white winter coat provides camouflage.
Hoary Marmot
These large ground squirrels inhabit the alpine regions of Denali. They hibernate during the winter months.
Wolverines are rarely seen in Denali but inhabit the park’s remote and rugged terrain. They are powerful predators known for their strength and endurance.
American Dipper
These small birds are found along Denali’s rivers and streams. They are skilled divers and feed on aquatic insects underwater.
As you see these animals boast of the diversity of Denali National Park, each contributing uniquely to the environment. I hope you enjoyed reading about the animals that call Denali national park home. To read more like this, check out the articles below:
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