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An Elephant Bull Asserts Dominance Over a Buffalo Herd

Elephant chases away buffalo
© HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa

At a watering hole, onlookers watched as buffalos drank peacefully, seemingly unaware of nearby elephants. The calm was disrupted when an elephant bull chose to chase the buffalo herd away, highlighting the power dynamics in the wild.

The Elephant Bull: A Force of Nature

Elephants, especially bulls, are known for their size and strength. The African Savanna elephant, the world’s largest land animal, can weigh up to six tonnes. Due to their size and age, older bulls often correlate with dominance and reproductive success.

Elephant chases away buffalo
© HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa

The Assertion of Dominance

In elephant societies, older male elephants, often called “bulls,” are pivotal in maintaining social order and imparting behavioral norms. Their presence and influence are crucial for younger male elephants, who are still learning the ropes of elephant society and can sometimes exhibit aggressive or unruly behavior.

A notable example of the importance of older bulls in guiding younger males occurred in Pilanesberg National Park in South Africa during the late 1990s and early 2000s. The park had relocated young elephants but without the presence of older bulls. Over time, as these young elephants matured into young adults, park officials noticed a disturbing trend. These young male elephants were unusually aggressive and attacked and killed rhinos, an uncommon behavior for elephants.

Researchers and park officials theorized that the absence of older bull elephants to guide and check the behavior of these younger males was a significant factor in this abnormal aggression. To test this theory, older bull elephants were introduced into the park. The results were striking. The presence of these mature bulls had a calming effect on the younger males. The older bulls established dominance and set behavioral standards, often intervening and stopping aggressive behavior toward rhinos. Within a short period, the attacks on rhinos significantly decreased, underscoring the importance of the older bulls in maintaining balance and order within elephant societies.

The incident in Pilanesberg National Park and the video of the elephant bull chasing away the buffalo herd highlight the intricate social structures of elephant herds.

YouTube video
Watch the video of the elephant bull chasing away the herd of buffalo © HERD Elephant Orphanage South Africa


The incident in Pilanesberg National Park and the video of the elephant bull chasing away the buffalo herd highlight the intricate social structures of elephant herds. The events highlight the continuous struggle for dominance and resources in the wild. The bull’s actions in the video emphasize the importance of older elephants in maintaining herd stability and order, reminding us of the intricate dynamics in nature and the need for respect and understanding.

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