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Endangered Animals – Facts, News and Conservation Status

Red panda fluffy tail. Image via Depositphotos.
Red panda fluffy tail. Image via Depositphotos.

Welcome to everything you need to know about endangered animals.

Nature is full of interesting animals and wildlife, each with its unique role in the worldwide harmony of ecosystems. Sadly, there are many species whose populations have declined to such an extent that they are considered endangered. 

Endangered Animal Topics

List of Endangered Animal Classifications (IUCN)

These categories are defined by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in their Red List of Threatened Species, which is the most comprehensive inventory of the global conservation status of biological species and is updated yearly.

Extinct (EX)No known individuals remaining.Passenger Pigeon, Dodo
Extinct in the Wild (EW)Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range.Guam Kingfisher, Scimitar Oryx
Critically Endangered (CR)Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild.Javan Rhino, Vaquita
Endangered (EN)High risk of extinction in the wild.Mountain Gorilla, Amur Leopard
Vulnerable (VU)High risk of endangerment in the wild.Polar Bear, African Elephant
Near Threatened (NT)Likely to become endangered in the near future.Blue Poison Dart Frog, Emperor Penguin
Least Concern (LC)Lowest risk; does not qualify for a more at-risk category. Widespread and abundant species are included here.American Robin, House Mouse
Data Deficient (DD)Not enough data to make an assessment of its risk of extinction.Kakapo, Long-beaked Echidna
Not Evaluated (NE)Has not yet been evaluated against the criteria.Many newly discovered species or those not yet assessed comprehensively

Endangered Animals FAQs

What Makes an Animal Endangered?

An animal is classified as endangered when its population has declined to a point where it’s at risk of extinction. This decline can be caused by several factors, including #1 habitat loss due to human development, #2 climate change, #3 pollution, #4 overhunting or poaching, and #5 disease. The classification is part of a system used by conservation organizations, such as the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), to assess the risk of extinction to species across the globe. An endangered status indicates that urgent conservation efforts are needed to prevent the species from becoming extinct.

How Are Endangered Animals Protected?

Endangered animals are protected through a variety of local, national, and international laws and agreements. Efforts include habitat preservation, legal protection from hunting and trade, breeding programs in captivity, and reintroduction projects. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten their survival. Additionally, conservation groups and governments work to protect ecosystems and promote sustainable practices among local communities.

How Can Individuals Help Endangered Animals?

Donating to or volunteering with wildlife conservation organizations can have a direct impact.
Also by reducing waste, using eco-friendly products, and limiting energy consumption can help reduce habitat destruction and pollution.
And: Raising awareness about endangered species and conservation efforts can inspire more people to take action.

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