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Dog Brothers Welcome New Human Baby Sister To Their Pack

This story about two dog brothers who welcome their new human baby sister into their pack is the most joyful love story! Adorable, heartwarming, and just too cute! Read on to see the video. 

Love At First Sight

Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

From the moment these two Golden Retriever brothers set eyes on their newborn baby sister their excitement was uncontrollable. Tails wagging everywhere! My heart melted when they gently touched their noses to her head as a sign of love, knowing that she was too small for any larger displays of affection. Doug even brought her his favorite donut toy! 

Welcome To The Pack

Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Winston and Doug, the two dog brothers, were obsessed with their new sister. They always wanted to be near her, bringing her their favorite toys, licking her tiny baby feet and they could not stop staring! 

The Loving Brothers

Dog brothers and sister
Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

It is amazing how these large dogs knew they had to be gentle with this tiny human when they were close to her. And even though they always brought her their toys to play with they never grabbed or chewed on hers – what better big brothers could a girl ask for?

Even More Love

Dog brothers and baby sister
Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

As their baby sister grew and became more perceptive, she noticed the two doggo brothers and their love for her. And she adored them right back! Her first word was even “dog’! She was always giggling when they licked her little toes, sharing her snacks, and even clapping with joy when she saw them. 

The Pack Of Three

Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

The baby girl always wanted to be close to her big brothers. She crawled to them and gave them the biggest hugs her little arms can! The dog brothers always helped wake her up in the mornings and the sight of them lighted her baby face with joy. This is a true love story you can’t make up! 

Finally, The Video!

YouTube video
Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Last Say On The Pack Of Three

Screenshot from Dog Brothers Claim Newborn Baby Sister As Their Own | The Dodo. Source: Youtube, Uploaded: The Dodo

Growing up in a house filled with this much love and joy, from both the baby and the dog brothers is absolutely beautiful! And we hope that this little pack shares many more moments of laughter and love!

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