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Missing Cat Found Alive In An Amazon Box 650 Miles From Home

missing cat

Earlier this month, Carrie Clark and her family were devastated when their beloved cat, Galena, inexplicably went missing from their home in Utah. Initially, they believed that their indoor cat had somehow snuck outside and gotten lost.

Despite the family’s constant searching, Galena was nowhere to be found. Clark began to fear they’d never see her again.

The Unexpected Discovery

A week later, the family’s prayers were finally answered. Galena had been found! But not anywhere the Clarks would ever have thought to look.

Turns out, on the same day that Galena went missing, Clark’s husband had been preparing to return a large box containing several pairs of work boots they’d ordered from Amazon. Unbeknownst to the Clarks, their cat had hopped into it to nestle a while — only to be accidentally shipped out with the shoes.

The Miraculous Reunion

cat missing

Six days after going missing, Galena was discovered 650 miles away, inside the box at an Amazon processing facility in California — scared and confused, but very much still alive.

Amazingly, after nearly a week in a box being shipped by truck across several states, Galena was found to still be mostly in good health.

“It was an absolute miracle. We believe that God had a hand in saving our kitty,” Clark said. “It was utter joy to be able to find her again.”

Wrapping Up with a Missing Cat Found in Amazon Box

It’s been a little over a week now since Galena’s ordeal came to an end, and she and her family couldn’t be more relieved.

“She’s so happy to be here,” Clark said. “We’re so grateful to have her back. Life has been really peaceful and wonderful having her back home.”

Clark does have a word advice for other cat parents, however:

“Please consider microchipping your pet, and triple checking your Amazon packages,” she said. “Make sure there are no kitty cats inside.”

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