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Pit Bull vs. Bulldog


This article will be comparing two dog breeds: pit bull vs bulldog. Both are often deemed aggressive, but in reality they’re great cuddlers and family companions.


Pit bulls and bulldogs are known for their strength, loyalty, and unique personalities. Both breeds have a rich history and have played important roles in human society for centuries.

However, these breeds also have many misconceptions, particularly regarding their size, strength, and aggression.

Whether you’re a current or future owner of a pit bull or Bulldog or simply a dog lover interested in learning more about these breeds, this article will provide valuable information and insights.

Origins of the Pit Bull Breed


The pit bull breed originated in the 19th century in England with the Bulldog’s strength and the terrier’s agility and gameness. The intention was to use the breed for bull-baiting and bear-baiting. Bull-baiting and bear-baiting were banned in 1835, and pit bulls were then used for dogfighting and other forms of animal baiting.

In the United States, pit bulls were brought over by immigrants and were used for various tasks such as hunting, herding, and farm dogs. They were also used as catch dogs in hunting and general-purpose farm dogs. Pit bulls were also known as “nanny dogs” because of their loyalty and gentleness towards children.

However, their history as fighting dogs has led to a negative reputation and misconceptions about their temperament and aggression. It’s important to note that pit bulls’ behavior results from their training and socialization, not their breed.

Popularity of Pit Bulls As Pets and Working Dogs


Despite their history as fighting dogs, pit bulls have gained popularity as pets and working dogs in recent years. It is due partly to their strong and loyal nature and affectionate and friendly personalities. Many pit bull owners appreciate their intelligence, trainability, and willingness to please.

In recent years, many animal welfare organizations have also been working to promote pit bulls as loving and adoptable pets and to dispel the myths and misconceptions that have led to their negative reputation.

Through education, advocacy, and responsible breeding, many hope to change the public’s perception of pit bulls – and as a result, help more of these dogs find loving homes. Despite their growing popularity as pets and working dogs, pit bulls still face challenges.

They are often the target of breed-specific legislation, which bans or restricts ownership of certain breeds in certain areas. Consequently, there has been a sharp decline in the number of pit bulls in certain regions.

Origins of the Bulldog Breed

english bulldog

The Bulldog originated in England, where it was developed to participate in a cruel sport called bull-baiting. In this sport, bulldogs were trained to attack and subdue a bull by biting its nose and face to weaken it before being killed for meat.

Bulldogs were specifically bred for this purpose, with a strong jaw, wide chest, and a low center of gravity to make them well-suited for the task. As bull-baiting was banned in 1835, bulldogs’ role changed, as they were no longer needed for bull-baiting but were still kept as companion animals. 

In the 20th century, bulldogs’ appearance changed significantly due to selective breeding. They have been bred for a more compact and smaller size, with a shorter snout and more wrinkles. It has led to health issues such as breathing problems and skin infections.

Nowadays, the Bulldog is a popular pet and companion known for its gentle and affectionate nature. They are often used in advertising and popular culture to symbolize strength, courage, and determination.

Popularity of Bulldogs As Pets and Working Dogs

french bulldog

Bulldogs have been popular as pets and working dogs for centuries due in part to their gentle and affectionate nature but equally their strong and loyal personalities. Their loyalty and protective nature make them great watchdogs, and due to their calm temperament, they can be good therapy dogs.

They have become popular among celebrities and other high-profile individuals in recent years.

However, potential bulldog owners need to be aware of their potential health issues. Purchasing bulldogs from reputable breeders who practice responsible breeding and care for the breed’s health is essential.

Additionally, the cost of caring for a bulldog can be high due to the health issues that come with the breed, so it is important for potential bulldog owners to carefully consider their financial situation before getting one.

Different Species of Bulldog and Pitbull


American Bulldog

There are several different types of bulldogs. The English Bulldog is the most popular and well-known, but there are also French bulldogs, American bulldogs, and Old English bulldogs. Each type has unique characteristics and features but nonetheless shares the same general bulldog appearance and temperament.

Pit bulls

American Pitbull

Pit bulls are a group of breeds that include the American Pit Bull Terrier, the American Staffordshire Terrier, and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier. These breeds are known for their strong, athletic build and high energy levels. They are often used as working dogs and excel at herding, hunting, and protection tasks.

The American Pit Bull Terrier is the most well-known of the three breeds, but the other two types are also popular.

Comparison of Physical Characteristics

Pit bulls and bulldogs are two distinct breeds. Let’s discuss their similarities and differences when it comes to their physical characteristics.

Size: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

french bulldog

One of the main differences between pit bulls and bulldogs is size – although it depends on the type of Bulldog. Pit bulls are generally larger and more athletic, with a lean and muscled build. They can weigh anywhere from 30 to 60 pounds and reach a height of 18 to 21 inches at the withers.

The English Bulldog is almost the same size as the average pitbull. They weigh roughly 40-50 pounds, measuring 12-16 inches at the withers. The French Bulldog, on the other hand, is considerably smaller. It weighs 16-28 pounds and measures a mere 12 inches at the withers. 

The American Bulldog is the largest of them all. It can weigh up to 100 pounds, with a height of 20-28 inches. 

Head Shape: Pit Bull vs Bulldog


Another difference is their head shape and structure; pit bulls have a more elongated head and a strong jaw, while bulldogs have a more square-shaped head, with a shorter snout and a wide jaw.

Coats: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

english bulldog

Both breeds have short and smooth coats; pit bulls come in various colors, including fawn, white, black, and blue. Meanwhile, bulldogs come in fawn, white, and red.

Strength: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

pit bull

In terms of strength, both breeds are known for their strength and athleticism. Pit bulls have a lean and muscled build. Bulldogs have a stocky and muscular structure.

It’s important to note that the physical characteristics of both breeds can vary depending on the individual dog, and not all pit bulls or bulldogs will conform to the typical breed characteristics. French Bulldogs, for example, are definitely not very muscular.

Eating Habits: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

french bulldog

Pit bulls are known to be strong and energetic dogs. They have a high metabolism and require a high protein and fat diet to maintain muscle mass. Pit bulls also tend to eat quickly, so monitoring their food intake is important to prevent them from becoming overweight.

Bulldogs, on the other hand, are a bit more laid back. They have a lower metabolism and don’t require as much protein and fat in their diet. Bulldogs also tend to eat more slowly, which can help prevent them from becoming overweight. However, it should be underlined that Bulldogs are much more prone to breathing difficulties. Therefore, being overweight will affect them especially badly. 

Overall, the key difference in the eating habits of pit bulls and bulldogs is that pit bulls need a higher protein and fat diet to maintain their muscle mass, while bulldogs can get by with a diet lower in protein and fat.

Temperament: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

pit bull

There are some differences in their temperament as well. Pit bulls are loyal and affectionate towards their owners; they are also highly trainable and eager to please. They are energetic and playful; they are also known for their intelligence and problem-solving ability.

Bulldogs, on the other hand, are known for their gentle and calm temperament and for being good with children and other animals. They are known to be independent, stubborn, affectionate, and loyal to their owners. Bulldogs have a more relaxed and laid-back personality; they prefer a more relaxed lifestyle and are less active than pit bulls.

It is again vital to highlight that the behavior of a pit bull or Bulldog is a result of their training and socialization, not their breed.

Importance of Training and Socialization For Both Pit Bulls and Bulldogs

english bulldog

Training and socialization are crucial for pit bulls and bulldogs, as they play an important role in shaping the behavior and personality of these breeds.

Proper training can help a pit bull or Bulldog to become a well-behaved and well-mannered companion. It can also help to prevent and address any behavioral issues that may arise.

Basic obedience training, such as learning commands like sit, stay, come, and heel, is essential to any dog’s training. Additionally, socialization is important to help a pit bull or Bulldog to become confident, well-adjusted, and friendly with other people, animals, and new environments.

Socialization entails exposing dogs to different people, animals, and environments to help them become comfortable and confident in various situations. It can include visiting different places, meeting new people, and interacting with other animals. Socialization is important for pit bulls and bulldogs as it can help to prevent fearfulness, shyness, and aggression.

Training and socialization should start at a young age for pit bulls and bulldogs. It’s best to begin training as soon as a puppy comes home and continue reinforcing that training throughout the dog’s life.

Positive reinforcement training methods focusing on rewards and praise are more effective than punishment-based methods. Enrolling in a puppy or basic obedience class is a great way to start training and socializing your dog.

Tips For Training and Socializing Pit Bulls and Bulldogs

Here are a few tips for training and socializing pit bulls and bulldogs:

#1 Start Early

Training and socialization should begin as soon as you bring a new puppy home. If you start early, it will be easier for the dog to learn and adapt to new situations.

#2 Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement techniques, such as using treats and praise, are more effective than punishment-based methods. It will help to build a positive relationship with your dog and make training more enjoyable for both of you.

#3 Enroll In a Puppy Class

Puppy classes are a great way to start training and socializing your dog. They provide an opportunity for your dog to interact with other dogs and people in a controlled environment under the guidance of a professional trainer.

#4 Expose Your Dog To Different People, Animals, and Environments

Socialization is exposing your dog to different people, animals, and environments. It will help them become more confident and comfortable in various situations.

#5 Be Consistent

Consistency is the main key when it comes to training and socialization. Stick to a routine and use the same commands and techniques every time you train. It will help to prevent confusion and make training more effective.

#6 Be Patient

Training and socialization take time and patience. Remember that your dog is learning and that progress may be slow. Be patient, and don’t give up, even if your dog isn’t making progress.

#7 Seek Professional Help

If you have trouble training or socializing your dog, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A professional trainer can provide guidance and advice on how to train best.

Get more information about the benefits of taking professional help here.

Mating Pattern of Pitbulls and Bulldogs

pit bull vs bulldog

Female pit bulls and bulldogs will come into heat, or estrus, approximately every six months. During this time, they will be fertile and able to breed.

Both breeds have a pregnancy period of approximately 63 days. During this time, the mother will need special care and a balanced diet to ensure the healthy growth of the puppies.

Remember, the breeding of pit bulls and bulldogs should only be done by responsible and reputable breeders who are aware of the health concerns and genetic issues that can arise in these breeds.

Pitbull and Bulldogs Make Great Pets

YouTube video

Pit bulls and bulldogs can make great pets, but it always depends on the individual dog and the owner’s lifestyle.

Bulldogs make great family pets and are known to be good with children. They are also known to be relatively easy to train, and they do well in small homes and apartments because they need little space to run and play.

On the other hand, pit bulls are often used as working dogs and excel at tasks. They can make great pets for active families or individuals who enjoy outdoor activities and have a big yard. They also do well with obedience training and need a lot of mental and physical stimulation.

It’s important to remember that, like all dogs, pit bulls and bulldogs need proper training, socialization, and care to ensure they are well-behaved and happy. Therefore, potential owners must consider their lifestyle and resources before getting either of these breeds.

Bulldogs are known for being friendly, loyal, and low-energy. In contrast, Pit bulls are known for their strong, athletic build and high energy levels – but they can also be super-cuddly. 

The Last Word: Pit Bull vs Bulldog

pit bull vs bulldog

Key Points

Pit bulls and bulldogs are known for their strength, loyalty, and unique personalities.
Training and socialization should begin as soon as you bring a new puppy home. If you start early, it will be easier for the dog to learn and adapt to new situations.
Female pit bulls and bulldogs will come into heat, or estrus, approximately every six months. During this time, they will be fertile and able to breed.
Bulldogs are known for their gentle and calm temperament and for being good with children and other animals. 
Pit bulls are known to be strong and energetic dogs. They have a high metabolism and require a high protein and fat diet to maintain muscle mass. 

In conclusion, pit bulls and bulldogs are two distinct breeds with similarities and differences in their characteristics and temperament. Pit bulls are generally larger and more athletic, with a lean and muscled build, while bulldogs are smaller and more compact, with a stocky and muscular build.

It’s important to ensure that the dog’s personality and energy level match your lifestyle. Also, be aware of the health issues that come with these breeds. To ensure that you get a puppy that’s as healthy as possible, do your research about various breeders and make sure that they are of high quality. With proper training and socialization, pit bulls and bulldogs can make loving and well-behaved companion animals.

Thank you for reading this article! It’s fascinating how many dog breeds can so similar and different at the same time. Another example you can learn about is the: Bernese Mountain Dog vs Australian Shepherd.

Next up, Jaguar vs. Pitbull!

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