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Watch: A Warthog’s Fight for Life Against a Determined Leopard

Warthog being attacked by a leopard
Warthog is attacked by a leopard. Credit: DALL-E, an AI art generator developed by OpenAI.

A video captured by Stephanie McClendon reveals a tense battle between a leopard and a massive warthog. During a safari, the guide, Nic, suddenly stops the vehicle, drawing the attention of the tourists to a leopard spotted on a termite mound. Moments later, the leopard attacks a large warthog, attempting to subdue it by clamping onto its throat. Despite the leopard’s powerful grip, the warthog, one of the largest seen by McClendon, fights back fiercely.

Credit: Charles J. Sharp, from Sharp Photography, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The intense struggle occurs near the warthog’s burrow at the base of the termite mound. Remarkably, even while being choked, it manages to drag itself and the leopard closer to its burrow. The leopard exerts all its might to prevent the warthog from reaching safety. In a display of extraordinary strength, the warthog overcomes the leopard, managing to get half of its body into the burrow.

Eventually, the leopard realizes the battle is lost and releases the warthog, which quickly retreats into the safety of its burrow. The leopard is left pacing in disbelief, having lost its potential prey.

YouTube video
Watch a leopard try to overcome a warthog’s incredible strength and fail. Credit: Latest Sightings YouTube

Intriguing Facts About Warthogs

  1. Adaptability: Warthogs are notable for their ability to adapt to changing environments and threats. They typically forage during daylight but can switch to nocturnal habits in areas where they face hunting pressures.
  2. Speed: Contrary to their bulky appearance, warthogs can run at impressive speeds, helping them escape from various predators.
  3. Defensive Behavior: Warthogs use their sharp tusks effectively in defense and are known for their loud vocalizations during confrontations.
  4. Habitat Preferences: Warthogs commonly inhabit abandoned burrows created by other animals, such as aardvarks. These burrows provide them with shelter and protection from predators and extreme weather conditions.
  5. Dietary Habits: As omnivores, they have a varied diet that includes grass, roots, berries, and occasionally carrion. They are equipped with a strong sense of smell to locate food sources.
  6. Social Dynamics: Females tend to be more social than males, often forming groups with their offspring. They communicate through various vocalizations that serve different purposes, including warning calls and greetings.
  7. Mating Rituals and Reproduction: Males engage in physical contests during the mating season, using their facial “warts” as protective features. Females typically give birth to small litters, raising the young in burrows.
  8. Unique Physical Features: The distinctive “warts” on a warthog’s face are actually protective skin growths that play a crucial role in their survival, especially during conflicts.

The warthog’s impressive ability to defend itself against a formidable predator like the leopard highlights their often-overlooked capabilities.

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