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Watch An Alpaca Have A Sneezing Fit

Alpaca sneezing screenshot. Image by Jen FItschen.

Have you ever watched an alpaca continually sneezing, one after the next? If not, you have come to the right place. Read to the end to see the scene caught on film.

It’s a spectacle that can catch you off guard, leaving you both entertained and curious. But why do these fluffy creatures sneeze? Can they be allergic to each other? Let us answer these questions together and more, of course.

Why Does an Alpaca Sneeze?

Image of a alpaca
Beautiful image of and alpaca. Image via Dietmar Rabich / Wikimedia Commons / “Dülmen, Börnste, Alpakas — 2020 — 5251” / CC BY-SA 4.0

Like all living things, alpacas sneeze for a purpose. Like humans, they may sneeze to get rid of allergens like dust or pollen from their nasal passages. Imagine this: an alpaca, with its long, graceful neck, stopping abruptly in mid-grazing to sneeze a bunch of cute little things. It’s how nature ensures they can breathe easily while they wander the fields by keeping their airways clear and unobstructed.

Can They Be Allergic to Other Alpacas?

Brown alpaca with mouth full of grass. Image via Shutterstock

Now, here’s a thought: can alpacas be allergic to each other? While it’s not common knowledge, some experts suggest that alpacas, can indeed have allergic reactions to their fellow herd members. 

Just imagine the irony of an alpaca sneezing not because of the pollen in the air, but because of the dander of its companion. Evidently even in the animal kingdom, allergies can manifest in unexpected ways.

Is Alpaca Hair Hypoallergenic?

Image via Pixabay

Many tout alpaca hair as being hypoallergenic, making it a preferred choice for those with sensitivities to other types of animal fibers like wool. The structure of alpaca hair differs from that of sheep’s wool. Thus making it less likely to cause allergic reactions in humans. 

So, while alpacas themselves might sneeze from time to time, their hair is often considered a safe and comfortable option for those seeking warmth without the itch.

Why Does Sheep Wool Cause More Allergic Reactions?

Alpacas assessing to see if the grass is good to eat. Image via I, Luca Galuzzi, CC BY-SA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

As sheep produce oils that are secreted onto their fur. This protects the animals and also creates a more oily texture to their wool. When humans are allergic to sheep wool products, it is not the actual wool but the oils that we are allergic to. This is why alpaca wool is generally preferred.

The Video

YouTube video
Alpaca sneezing continuously!, Source: Jen Fitschen, Youtube

Wrapping Up with Alpaca Sneezing

Alpaca farm
Alpaca farms are prevalent throughout Switzerland where they are reared for their prized wool. Image via Spacr1, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The next time you are around these kind animals, stop and enjoy the oddities of nature – such as the occasional sneeze from an alpaca. It reminds me that every living thing can suffer from a bit of allergies. Who knows, you might even manage to record a fit of sneezing for your friends and family to see, adding a whimsical element to your day.

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