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Zara Prew, PhD Candidate in Ocean and Atmospheric Science

Zara Prew, PhD Candidate in Ocean and Atmospheric Science

Zara's interest in ecology and conservation began as a result of spending much of her childhood in nature parks and game reserves all over the world. These early experiences sparked her love for the natural world and encouraged her to pursue a PhD in Ocean and Atmosphere Science. Zara's research focuses on climate change’s impact on Southern African kelp forest systems, a subject she became passionate about through her love for freediving. She hopes to use this platform to share her knowledge and spark your interest in the weird and wonderful things nature has to offer.

Zara enjoys writing about marine life and the climate crisis.

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Get To Know Zara Prew, PhD Candidate in Ocean and Atmospheric Science


  • B.Sc. Environmental Science
  • M.Sc. Environmental Policy and Management


  • Commercial SCUBA Diver
  • Recreational Freediver

Favorite Animals

  • Cuttlefish
  • Grey wolves
  • Snow leopards

India’s recent snow leopard survey has resulted in important, updated data on the elusive big cats, known as the “ghosts of the mountains.” Here’s an overview of the significant findings and implications of this comprehensive survey. Snow Leopard Survey For the first time, India undertook a national survey to estimate its snow leopard population, revealing …

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In a series of near-comical and fascinating studies, scientists have uncovered a strange behavior exhibited by octopuses: they have been observed punching fish, possibly out of sheer spite. This unexpected discovery has intrigued researchers and added a new layer to our understanding of octopus behavior and non-essential interspecies interactions in the marine environment. Introduction The …

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In the heart of a peaceful farm, an extraordinary event unfolded, showcasing the bravery and unity among farmyard animals. In this remarkable video, we witness a gripping tale of survival as farm animals save a chicken from a hawk attack. Heartwarming Friendship What unfolds is a heartwarming story of courage, with an unlikely duo of …

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Seahorses are one of the ocean’s most enchanting creatures, combining unique behaviors and physical characteristics that set them apart from other marine life. Here are ten fascinating facts about these aquatic wonders 1. Monogamy Seahorses are among the few animal species where monogamy is commonly observed. Many species mate for life, performing daily greeting rituals …

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A team of researchers have achieved what might seem like science fiction: a two-way conversation with a humpback whale. A Scientific Breakthrough This scientific breakthrough, marked by a 20-minute interaction with a whale named Twain, strangely represents a fusion of marine biology, technology, and the quest for understanding extra-terrestrial intelligence. The Team Orchestrated by experts …

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When you think of intruders in your home, a bear probably doesn’t top the list of suspects. Yet, in a quirky and unforgettable incident in Barkhamsted, Connecticut, a curious black bear decided to break into a house, open the fridge and steal a frozen lasagna. The Great Lasagna Heist It was a seemingly ordinary day …

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Sea turtle nests have been found along Cambodia’s coastline for the first time in a decade, sparking great optimism in conservationists and environmentalists alike. Sea Turtle Nest Discovery In an event that has been celebrated as a significant win for marine conservation, nine nests of green and hawksbill turtles were discovered along the remote island …

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A deep-sea expedition led by the Schmidt Ocean Institute has revealed over 100 new species discovered along an underwater mountain range near Chile. This incredible discovery highlights the vast unexplored territories of our oceans and the incredible biodiversity that lies beneath the surface. The Nazca and Salas y Gómez Ridge The expedition, lead by marine …

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On Valentine’s Day, a heartwarming scene unfolded in clear, blue waters where two manatees were captured in a rare moment, sharing what appeared to be a gentle kiss. This tender exchange between the sea cows offers a glimpse into the emotional capacities and social interactions of these majestic marine mammals. Manatees Manatees, often referred to …

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“There’s a bait ball close to shore at Smitswinkel”. I looked excitedly up at my friend, who offhandedly said those magic words. Baitballs One of my dreams is to see a bait ball – a large group of small fish that swim in a spherical formation which attracts larger predators such as large fish, seabirds, …

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Kelp forests are submerged marine ecosystems dominated by towering brown algae that are crucial biogenic entities, nurturing a diverse and interconnected host of marine life. These underwater habitats, stretching along 25% of coastlines worldwide, play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and balance of coastal ecosystems. At the heart of these submerged forests lie …

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The Oregon Zoo has successfully reintroduced seven California condors into the wild. The seven condors were hatched and raised at the Oregon Zoo’s Jonsson Center for Wildlife Conservation before being released in San Simeon on the central Californian coast. Releasing the Seven Condors The release of these seven condors is part of a broader initiative …

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The Galápagos Islands, a symbol of biodiversity, have witnessed a monumental step in conservation efforts with the successful return of 136 juvenile Galápagos tortoises to their natural habitat. This initiative, a collaboration between the Galápagos National Park Directorate and Galápagos Conservancy, marks a crucial moment in the ongoing battle to preserve these unique and fragile …

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The Smithsonian’s National Zoo has become the setting for a heartening tale of companionship and social bonding between two North American beavers, Aspen and Juniper. This story not only captivates animal lovers but also offers insights into the complex social behaviors of beavers, which are known for their monogamous pair bonds and intricate family structures. …

Read More about Aspen and Juniper: A Beaver Love Story at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquakes that struck northwestern Syria and southern Turkey on February 6, 2023, a heartwarming effort unfolded as local volunteers mobilized to rescue over 1,300 animals, primarily puppies and kittens, affected by the disaster. These animal rescuers, led by Wattar’s team, highlighted the love and compassion for animals amidst the …

Read More about Syria’s Animal Rescuers: 1,300 Animals Saved After 2023 Earthquake

The Brown Hairstreak butterfly, scientifically known as Thecla betulae, is one of Britain’s rarest species of butterfly. However, recent sightings show it is making a quiet yet significant comeback across London and surrounding regions, marking an important resurgence in urban and semi-urban environments. This elusive butterfly, recognized for its distinctive brown wings and small ‘tails’ …

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The recent discovery of nine new species of carnivorous land snails in the remote forests of Papua New Guinea has sparked significant interest in the scientific community and emphasized the island’s status as a biodiversity hotspot. This discovery, led by John Slapcinsky of the Florida Museum’s invertebrate zoology collection, showcases the unique and largely unexplored …

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A Japanese macaque, more commonly known as a snow monkey, found itself at the center of a daring escape in Scotland. Named Honshu, after the largest island of Japan, this intrepid primate managed to escape from the Cairngorm National Park. The escape not only startled the residents but also initiated an extensive search operation, involving …

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On a typical day at Wellington Airport in New Zealand, passengers and crew aboard an Air Chathams flight were surprised by an unusual sight: a baby blue penguin, locally known as a kororā, wandering on the runway. This unexpected visitor caused a slight delay but for a heartwarming reason. The pilot and passengers patiently waited …

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Golden Retrievers are celebrated for their friendly demeanor, intelligence, and undeniable charm, making them a beloved breed worldwide. In honor of Golden Retriever Day on February 3, here are 10 fun and interesting facts about these wonderful dogs that highlight their unique qualities and fascinating history. 1. Scottish Origins Golden retrievers trace their lineage back …

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The Mediterranean monk seal, one of the world’s most endangered marine mammals, has witnessed a notable resurgence in recent years. This species, historically widespread across the Mediterranean and Black Seas and parts of the Atlantic, faced a drastic decline due to human activities. However, conservation efforts have led to their reclassification from “critically endangered” to …

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The discovery of new emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica marks a significant advancement in wildlife research. Using satellite mapping technology, scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) have located previously unknown colonies, bringing the total known emperor penguin colonies around Antarctica to 66. This discovery is notable as half of these colonies have been identified …

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In recent months, the veterinary community has been alerted to an increasing number of cases involving a perplexing respiratory condition in dogs. Unlike typical respiratory infections, this atypical canine respiratory disease has garnered attention due to its rapid progression and severity in certain cases. Reports from various states have highlighted the widespread nature of this …

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Recent research has unveiled a fascinating adaptation in scalloped hammerhead sharks, making them the first fish known to exhibit a behavior akin to ‘holding their breath’ during deep dives. This discovery, primarily observed off the coast of Hawaii, challenges our understanding of fish physiology and adds a new layer to the already intriguing nature of …

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In this video, a horse named Sam sees grass for the first time since he was a foal. This moment he was released onto the pasture was filled with ecstatic frolicking, playful skips, and an uninhibited expression of happiness as Sam kicked his hind legs in joy. Horses, with their remarkable memory, can form lasting …

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For the first time in over a century, Wellington, New Zealand, is celebrating the birth of wild kiwi chicks. This momentous event marks a significant turnaround in the conservation efforts for the iconic, flightless birds. The discovery of these chicks, born in Wellington, has been a source of immense joy and hope for conservationists and …

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Brazoria County, Texas, became the center of a heated debate when a biomedical research firm, Charles River Laboratories, announced plans to house up to 43,200 monkeys for research purposes. This decision sparked a significant backlash from the local community and animal rights groups, leading to a complex confrontation between economic interests, animal welfare concerns, and …

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African Matabele ants have recently been observed utilizing natural antibiotics found in their environment to treat their wounded during battles with termites. This discovery offers a unique glimpse into the complex behaviors and social structures within ant colonies. The Battlefield and Ant Antibiotics Frequent skirmishes with termites result in injuries for many Matabele ants. However, …

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The rugged, diverse landscape of Sulawesi, Indonesia, has long fascinated scientists with its unique biodiversity. In a groundbreaking discovery, researchers from the Field Museum in collaboration with the Bogor Zoology Museum unearthed the world’s smallest fanged frog. These species challenge our understanding of amphibian life in the region. Introducing The World’s Smallest Fanged Frog This …

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In 2023, scientists made remarkable discoveries, uncovering or redescribing various new species across the globe. This article aims to provide an overview of ten such remarkable species. These new species discoveries have emerged all around the globe, from Australia’s Great Barrier Reef to the Ecuadorian Amazon. Each of these discoveries symbolises how incredibly vast and …

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Adapting to Fire: A Natural Phenomenon Wildfires, a natural part of many ecosystems, present both challenges and opportunities for wildlife. Animals have evolved various strategies to cope with fires, such as seeking shelter underground or fleeing to safer areas. However, the recent increase in the frequency and intensity of wildfires, partly due to climate change, …

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The Striped skunk is renowned for its distinctive black and white markings, a natural warning signal of their toxic spray. However, recent studies reveal that these iconic stripes are less pronounced in areas where mammalian predators are sparse. This discovery, made by scientists from the University of Bristol, Montana, and Long Beach, California, opens up …

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This article delves into ten instances of successful conservation efforts amidst the imminent threat of extinction. The contemporary understanding that every species possesses an inherent right to exist, or intrinsic value, remains a relatively recent but often overlooked concept. Human-induced threats to wildlife and the environment manifest through overexploitation, habitat destruction and fragmentation, the introduction …

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Scientists have found a mole that was last seen in 1936. The De Winton’s golden mole was thought to be extinct until a team of scientists using environmental DNA came across traces of the mole’s DNA in sand dunes in South Africa. This elusive mole, with its shiny golden coat and unique subterranean lifestyle, has …

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Our expert-vetted content is grounded in current scientific publications, yet we acknowledge science’s ever-evolving nature. Read our full editorial and disclosure policy. Whales, the largest mammals on Earth, captivate human fascination with their immense size, unique adaptations, and enigmatic behaviors. Humans are drawn to whales not only for their sheer size but also for their complex social structures and …

Read More about Top Whale Watching Behaviours Explained

The migration of vampire bats towards the north, potentially making the United States their new habitat, is a significant ecological event. This movement, primarily driven by climate change, has been linked to an increase in rabies cases in Latin America, drawing attention to the potential risks and challenges it poses for wildlife management and public …

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The world’s last white giraffe was fitted with a GPS tracker to protect him from poaching. This measure was taken after the giraffe’s mother and seven-month-old sibling fell victim to poachers in the Ishaqbini Hirola Community Conservancy, located in Kenya’s north-eastern Garissa County. Despite the dire circumstances, hope has emerged in cutting-edge technology – a …

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Our expert-vetted content is grounded in current scientific publications, yet we acknowledge science’s ever-evolving nature. Read our full editorial and disclosure policy. Introduction The air-water interface signifies a major barrier for most organisms. However, despite the difficulty, some creatures manage to temporarily breach this interface for a number of reasons including hunting, escaping predators, regulating body temperatures, and parasite …

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Nigel, an African gray parrot belonging to British owner Darren Chick went missing from his California home back in 2010. Four years later, the lost parrot was returned to Darren slightly changed…he could speak Spanish! A Spanish Surprise Imagine the surprise when Nigel was discovered by dog-groomer Julia Sperling outside her front door. The parrot …

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Known as the ‘Lamborghini of the poultry world’, the Ayam Cemani is the world’s most expensive breed of chicken, with a single bird fetching prices of up to $5,000. Originating from Indonesia, its name pronounced ‘che-MA-ni’, has its roots in Sanskrit, meaning “jet black.” But what truly sets Ayam Cemani apart is a genetic condition …

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A boy from Burkburnett, Texas, plays tetherball with an unconventional partner…a kangaroo! The video below captures this remarkable moment as the young boy and kangaroo are locked in an unexpected tetherball duel. What makes this encounter even more intriguing is the kangaroo’s unmistakable enthusiasm and sportsmanship. In this article, we’ll venture into the world of …

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The icy waters of the Bering Sea, home to billions of snow crabs, have witnessed a catastrophic disappearance in recent years. This phenomenon has left both scientists and the local communities of Alaska puzzled. However, groundbreaking research from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has finally unraveled the mystery behind the vanishing snow crabs. …

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Bobi, the world’s oldest dog, has sadly passed away at the age of 31 years and 165 days. The Portuguese Rafeiro do Alentejo dog was born on May 11, 1992. This remarkable canine reached the pinnacle of doggy longevity, officially recognized as the oldest dog in the world by Guinness World Records in February. A …

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An extremely rare Cuvier’s beaked whale was found stranded on the shores of South Africa. The First Sighting A group of hikers, consisting of Aaron Stemmett and his students, stumbled upon what they believed to be a Southern right whale calf stranded on Die Plaat beach near Gansbaai, South Africa. Hopeful they could save it, …

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In the heart of Sevier County, Tennessee, a hunting dog named Charlie was rescued after finding himself trapped in a narrow cave shaft, roughly 40 feet down. What’s more astonishing is that he shared this ordeal with an unexpected roommate—a 200-pound bear cub, only two years of age. This extraordinary story, which unfolded recently, is …

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The Crocodile Hunter’s son Robert is now breeding a species of rare turtle discovered by his father in the 1990s. Irwin’s Turtle represents the bond between father and son and their shared love for the natural world. Who Was The Crocodile Hunter? In the realm of wildlife conservation and adventure, the name Steve Irwin is …

Read More about Irwin’s Turtle: Steve Irwin’s Son Robert Breeds Rare Turtle Named After His Father

The armored catfish, or Mexican devil fish has invaded North American waterways and this hardy invasive species is wreaking havoc on local ecosystems and economies. However, a glimmer of hope emerges through innovative solutions like Pezzy Pets, a company that upcycles these invasive fish species into pet treats. Mike Mitchell, the CEO and Co-Founder of …

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In a groundbreaking and historic move to prevent the extinction of the wildcat in the UK, a wildcat reintroduction project in Scotland is underway. The project involves releasing nearly 20 young wildcats into the wild, marking the first time a predatory mammal has been deliberately reintroduced in the UK. The initiative seeks to rescue the …

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Have you ever watched your canine companion as they sleep, witnessing their twitching noses, and legs that move as if they’re running? It’s easy to speculate about what could be occupying their dreams, especially after an active day of chasing balls and exploring the outdoors. However, recent research by Harvard psychologist Dr Deirdre Barrett suggests …

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The Lehe Ledu Wildlife Zoo in Chongqing, China, steps away from conventional zoos as humans are put in cages while the animals roam freely. This reversed zoo is a daring venture that may raise some eyebrows but offers a thrilling opportunity to get up close and personal with predators and become part of the hunt. …

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Paris, the City of Love, has recently been plagued by an infestation of bedbugs, causing alarm among residents and visitors alike. This unsettling development comes at a crucial time, with the 2024 Olympics on the horizon and over a million tourists expected to flock to the city. But Paris is not alone in facing this …

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Picture yourself out at sea, gazing at the boundless expanse of ocean when suddenly, an enormous creature emerges from the depths, adorned with an unexpected accessory – a hat made of seaweed! Scientists have recently uncovered a few reasons as to why whales have been observed wearing kelp hats. This enchanting phenomenon has captivated the …

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