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Pauline Rouessart

Pauline Rouessart

Recently, an extraordinary find captivated scientists and dinosaur enthusiasts alike. The fossilized remains of a previously unknown dinosaur species, bearing striking similarities to the iconic Tyrannosaurus Rex, were unearthed in Kyrgyzstanhas. Needless to say, scientists were captivated by the discovery of this large predatory dinosaur. And how it found its way to the other side …

Read More about 165 Million-Year-Old T-Rex Doppelganger Unearthed on the Other Side of the World 

Dolphins are typically celebrated for their intelligence, playfulness, and friendly interactions with humans. However, recent events off the coast of Japan have painted a different picture of this sweet, demure creature due to a series of aggressive encounters. This alarming behavior has captured the attention of marine biologists and the public alike as to what …

Read More about Lone Dolphin Crosses the Line With Innocent Swimmers in Japan

The Rusty Patched Bumblebee (Bombus affinis) is a vital pollinator in North America, known for its distinctive rusty-colored patch on its back. Pollination is crucial for flora reproduction, which gives rise to plants and vegetables – an essential food source for both humans and animals. Hence, our focus should be on conserving and protecting our …

Read More about The Rusty Patched Bumblebee: Why They’re Critical to Our Health and Happiness

Squirrels are charming creatures, but their knack for nibbling on plants and digging in gardens can turn even the most peaceful gardener into a squirrel adversary. Fortunately, there are plenty of humane ways to keep squirrels at a distance – for their protection and your sanity. Here, There and Everywhere Squirrels are active, alert travelers …

Read More about Say ‘No’ to the Invasion of Squirrels in Gardens Around America

Ancient reptiles are full of fascinating creatures, but few could leave you feeling as if you wouldn’t want to dangle a toe in the ocean, like the Palaeophis colossaeus. Fortunately for us, we don’t have to worry about that today, as this enormous marine reptile roamed prehistoric oceans millions upon millions of years ago. Let’s …

Read More about A Study of the Palaeophis Colossaeus – The Snake Who Made the Oceans Tremble

A groundbreaking discovery in Japan has brought a new species of Troodontid, the Hypnovenator matsubaraetoheorum, under the spotlight. Scientists were excited to uncover another Troodontis species. This discovery confirms the existence of a highly intelligent prehistoric being. What Made Them Special? Troodontids are a group of small, bird-like theropod dinosaurs that lived during the Late …

Read More about Fossils of 100-Million-Year-Old ‘Genius’ Dinosaur Discovered in Japan

Shockingly, a pregnant porbeagle shark was believed to have been eaten by a much larger great white shark off the coast of Bermuda. In this case, the hunter became the hunted in an unusual turn of events… A First in Marine Science The event took place in Bermuda’s waters, a region known for its rich …

Read More about Hungry Great White Shark Eats Pregnant Shark for Dinner

The discovery of dinosaur footprints has long fascinated scientists and the public alike. However, in certain regions, ancient carvings and mysterious symbols have been found alongside these majestic remnants of the prehistoric past. Given the absence of scientific technology in the Dark Ages, it is a wonder that humans had the intuition to pick up …

Read More about 66 Million-Year-Old Dinosaur Footprints Speak to Travelers in the Dark Age

The journey to rediscovering the Berezowski reed snake began with a routine field expedition to Southwest Asia. This region, known for its rich biodiversity, has long been a focal point for scientists searching for undiscovered species. Or, in this case, hidden species. Recently, researchers had the privilege of rediscovering a triad of snakes thought to …

Read More about ‘Shy’ Snake Discovered In 1896 Reclaims Its Namesake
Unusual Fall Season For Almost All US States Predicted Spotting A Blue Jay May Be The Universe’s Way Of Telling You What You Need New York Rescue Duck Found Himself An Emotional Support Duck Spotting A Cougar May Be The Universe’s Way Of Telling You What You Need Do Bald Eagles Mate For Life?