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Learn: Never Approach A Bison in Yellowstone National Park

Watch: Why You Should Never Approach A Bison
Credit: YouTube / Viral Hog

Yellowstone National Park, with its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife, draws nature enthusiasts from around the globe. Among its iconic inhabitants, the American bison commands attention for its sheer size and majestic presence. However, a recent video serves as a stark reminder of the dangers associated with approaching these creatures. In this article, we delve into why you should never approach a bison in Yellowstone and shed light on crucial facts about bison and their conservation status.

The Bison: Symbol of the American West

Never approach a Bison
A Bison tried attacking a man. Bison. Image Via YouTube / Viral Hog

The American bison, often referred to as buffalo, holds a symbolic place in the history and culture of the American West. These massive herbivores once roamed the plains in vast numbers, shaping the landscape and playing a vital role in the ecosystem. Today, Yellowstone National Park serves as a stronghold for bison conservation, providing a glimpse into the natural behavior of these iconic creatures.

Facts About Bison

Size and Strength

Bison taking a break. Image by mike-beaumont Via unsplash

Bison are the largest land mammals in North America, with males (bulls) weighing up to 2,000 pounds. Their strength and agility can be deceptive, making them potentially dangerous when provoked or approached closely.

Conservation Status

Bison and its herd
American Bison forming a large group during breeding season. Image Via

While bison have made a remarkable recovery since the brink of extinction in the 19th century, they still face conservation challenges. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) classifies the American bison as “Near Threatened,” emphasizing the need for ongoing conservation efforts.

Watch: Bison HeadButt Knockdown.

Yellowstone Bison Population

They once roamed in vast herds numbering in the millions across the Great Plains. Image by Jack Dykinga, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Yellowstone is home to one of the largest and oldest public bison herds in the United States. The park’s commitment to bison conservation has played a pivotal role in preserving this iconic species.

Behavioral Characteristics

Bison is normally calm
Bison walking Calmly. Image by DALLE.E

Bison are generally calm animals, but they can exhibit unpredictable behavior, especially during mating season (rut) and when protecting their young. Approaching too closely can trigger defensive reactions.

Role in Ecosystem

European Bison
European Bison is the heaviest of the surviving land animals in EuropeMichael Gäbler, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

As ecosystem engineers, bison contribute to maintaining healthy grasslands. Their grazing and wallowing activities create diverse habitats for other species, showcasing the interconnectedness of wildlife.

Check out: Some Of The Largest Siberian Husky’s.

The Video Warning: A Cautionary Tale

Bison walking
Bisson walking looking for some leafy plants to eat. Image by DALLE-E

The recent video capturing a person dangerously close to a bison in Yellowstone serves as a cautionary tale. Approaching bison poses risks not only to human safety but also to the well-being of the animals. Yellowstone’s guidelines emphasize maintaining a safe distance, typically 25 yards or more, to prevent disturbances that can lead to defensive behaviors from the bison.

Conservation Efforts

Bison calf following cow
Bison calf following cow. Image via English: NPS/Jim Peaco, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Yellowstone National Park has played a vital role in the conservation of bison, contributing to the species’ recovery. Efforts include managing the population size through culling and relocation, preventing the spread of brucellosis, and collaborating with tribal nations to support sustainable bison management.

Wrap Up

Bovidae Bison
Bovidae Bison. Image Via NasserHalaweh, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Overall, as stewards of the environment, it is our responsibility to respect the natural behaviors of wildlife and contribute to their conservation. Furthermore, the video warning against approaching a bison in Yellowstone serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a safe distance and appreciating these majestic creatures from afar. Moreover, by understanding the facts about bison and supporting conservation efforts, we can ensure the continued existence of this iconic symbol of the American West.

YouTube video
Don’t approach the Bison in Yellowstone national park. Source: YouTube, Channel: Viral Hog.

If you enjoyed this article, find our related article links below or have a look at our dedicated bison page!

Next up:

Darlene Ricotta

Friday 12th of April 2024

I went through there years ago and people got out of the cars then the buffaloes chased them! People don’t learn!

They are a neat animal to watch from a car, And keeps the buffaloes safe from people who blame them for charging them!


Friday 22nd of March 2024

These people are wanna be rodeo clowns

Viola Grant

Thursday 15th of February 2024

If a law is inacted in which a human is willingly placing themselves or others in danger, the fine should be considered based in the state or Federal statute, similar to criminal mischief, disorderly conduct, or laws governing safety of others. Once a buffalo gets mad, there is chance of a stampede. There are so many different scenarios that could take place. After each person is injured, is the park responsible for their medical bills or burial? Hold each person to a standard in which they will be held responsible to pay the National Park Service for their actions. I've never seen anything legally covering that. Please advise.

Saturday 10th of February 2024

Going to Yellowstone this summer and I'm hoping I can get a selfie of me feeding a bear a Snickers while riding a Buffalo lol people are so dumb


Wednesday 14th of February 2024

You visit you will love it. Dunraven Pass is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my opinion. I was very fortunate to work for Yellowstone for a summer. They give you a pamplet when you enter detailing how far you need to stay away from the animals - for your safety. It is illegal to blow your horn at the animals, it is THEIR "backyard" after all. If you happen to record an idiot, you can let them know when you leave. At that point they'll usually ask you to send them the video right then. They will look for them when they leave, and have been known to FINE them - not all unfortunately. Happy Travels 🤗

Patricia Beeman

Thursday 8th of February 2024

Unfortunately I think they will need to close the National parks due to severe stupidity. Not just antagonizing the wild life but ignoring warning signs and falling to their deaths and going near the hot springs and getting burned or falling in. This culture has no respect nor self-discipline.

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