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Best Places to Swim with Dolphins

eilat dolphin
Eilat dolphin. Image via טל שמע, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Are you looking for the best places to swim with dolphins?

Imagine jumping into crystal clear water where smiling faces eager for the next fun adventure await you. They are curious about who you are and what to expect from you. Are you curious how they will react to you when you join them in their element? 

dolphin family

“There’s no question dolphins are smarter than humans as they play more.

Albert Einstein

Of course, we are talking about Dolphins here. Follow us in this article to all the top 20 places to see and swim with dolphins. But first, let’s learn more about them!

If you like to swim with whales, look at our Orca article as well! You can also watch our Dolphin Web Story.

From here, you can decide: Either you read the entire article about swimming with dolphins or you jump right to your favorite part.

Which and How Many Dolphin Species Exist

YouTube video

Swimming with Dolphins in Hawaii, Source: YouTube: Uploaded:MicBergsma

Marine dolphins

All marine dolphins usually have a pronounced snout, a streamlined body, a notch in the middle of the fluke, and usually a striking dorsal fin. Among them, there are both deep-sea species and coastal species around the globe.

In particular, dolphins living in the open sea have wide ranges of distribution in which they occur. The slim dolphin, for example, can be found along a broad belt in the tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. Great places to best places to swim with dolphins.

Other dolphin species, however, are restricted to coastal waters and sometimes small areas of distribution and are, therefore, usually highly endangered when anthropogenic exploitation interferes with their habitat.

The youngest Dolphins

One of the smallest dolphins, with a body height of about 1.3 meters is Hector’s dolphin, which lives off the coast of New Zealand. It is one of the most endangered species. Their preference to live in shallow waters and bays is often fatal for the small marine mammals, as they get caught and drown in the fishermen’s gillnets.

Also among the smallest is the Amazon Sotalia. These dolphin species occur in several color variations in the sea and rivers like the Amazon, which are the best places to swim with dolphins.

The best known Dolphin species

The bottlenose dolphin is undoubtedly one of the most famous species, as it is kept in captivity and displayed in numerous dolphinariums. These docile and intelligent animals can grow up to 3.9 meters tall. The television show “Flipper” has also contributed to these dolphins’ popularity and skills.

Another notable species is the largest and heaviest representative of the Delphinidae, the Orca or killer whale, which can reach up to 9.8 meters and 9 tons. Its black and white markings are lovely, and this species has also become known as a star of movies (Free Willy).

The Unknown Dolphin species

Among the lesser known species, we find names like Heaviside’s dolphin with a small distribution area off the South African coast or the Commerson’s dolphin off the South American coast from the Valdez peninsula to Tierra del Fuego.

These black and white dolphins, also called Jacobites, are particularly endangered because they are hunted as bait for crab fishing.

River dolphins

river dolphin
Image of a river dolphin, Image via Naparmalandia, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

River dolphins live in some big and often muddy rivers in Asia and South America, some also in at it bordering coast-waters. All river dolphin species look very similar because their often special appearance is a consequence of adaptation to their habitat. They have tiny eyes, a long, slender beak, and broad flippers. River dolphins are small, rarely longer than 2.5 m, and slow swimmers.

Five species can be distinguished; they are geographically entirely isolated from each other and are highly threatened by fishing, water pollution, and habitat destruction, including dams.

The Chinese river dolphin, also known as Baiji, which is native to the Jangste, has been considered extinct since 2007, although this species was already protected in 1979. But illegal hunting, the unrestrained destruction, pollution, and exploitation of its habitat left this river dolphin with little chance of survival.

The significant relatives – the smaller-toothed whales

dolphin and whale bird's eye view
Grey fish on calm water. Image via Unsplash

Also still to the dolphinartigen counts its most prominent representatives, the sword-whale (Orca) already mentioned above, the small sword-whale, the width-beak dolphin, the Indian and the ordinary pilot whale and as most diminutive the dwarf pilot whale.

Indian pilot whales are frequently seen off the Canary Islands. These whales, with their roundish, cap-shaped fins often rest in groups on the surface of the water during the day and can be easily observed. All species are sociable animals, live in structured groups and usually prefer deeper waters.

How many dolphin species exist?

It is unclear how many dolphin species there are because new species are still being discovered!

Usually, it is found with an already known species that a certain, e.g. geographically isolated population is a separate species. It is tough to conclude the species affiliation from appearance and behaviour alone with dolphins. The range of variation is too wide for and their ability to adapt to different environmental conditions is too pronounced.

This applies in particular, to hunting behavior. The most traditional hunting strategies can be so different that one might think that we are dealing with different species for this reason alone. This is especially true for the world’s best-researched species, the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). Only genome analysis allows us to draw reliable conclusions about the species.

Splitting up a species has severe consequences for conservation and management sites if they exist at all. It makes a difference whether protective measures are intended for a regionally occurring population of a widespread species or whether a species occurring only here is to be saved from extinction.

New dolphin species confirms the old theory of evolution

Now it is official – there are four species of humpback dolphins. The Australian humpback dolphin is the latest addition to this genus. Its existence also shows how geographical boundaries shape the animal world.

It has taken a long time: for 17 years, international whale researchers have been working on getting some order into a sub-division of the marine mammal family tree. They have analyzed all available historical data, and evaluated descriptions and genetic analyses of species to tidy up the genus of humpback dolphins. And now they are presenting a new species, the Australian humpback dolphin.

Endangerment of Dolphins

Dolphin in  water
Dolphin surfing in wave. Image via Mr. Johnson, often nefarious, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dolphins are endangered, especially the ones living in rivers which are mostly recognized as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

So let us look at the main reasons humans are giving dolphins a hard time. If you want to support dolphin conservation, we believe Ric’s Dolphin Project, the dolphin rescue society, or WWF is doing great work. We cover in this article the best places to swim with dolphins.

#1 Reason for Fishing

Ruthless exploitation: Far too much fish is still being taken from the seas. Not only are we depriving ourselves of a vital food resource, but many marine mammal species and other hunters of the oceans are also losing their food base. According to estimates by the IWC (International Whaling Commission) scientific committee, every year, some 300,000 whales and dolphins die a senseless and cruel death as by-catch in the nets of industrial fishing fleets.

Dolphins killed each year: Over 300,000 

#2 Reason Dolphin hunting

Dolphin hunters kill without restraint.

Dolphins are hunted and brutally killed on the coasts of Japan, on the Faroe Islands belonging to Denmark, or the Solomon Islands. Their meat is used as food (Faroe Islands and Japan), a few animals are left alive to survive in captivity (Japan).

The number of dolphins killed yearly by direct hunting is in the tens of thousands. In addition, an unknown number of animals are killed, for example, in Venezuela, in the Gulf of Guinea, or off Sri Lanka.

Dolphins killed each year: Over 50,000

#3 Reason Dolphin Capturing

Endless suffering: Bottlenose dolphins, orcas, and beluga whales cannot be kept in captivity in a species-appropriate manner.

They are highly intelligent marine mammals that occupy a significant habitat, travel long distances daily, and live in complex social relationships. They suffer significantly under the artificial and limited conditions of captivity, degenerating into trained “clowns” that have little in common with their fellow species living in the wild.

Why are we against swimming with dolphins in captivity

Dolphins jumping over man
Dolphins jump over man. Image via Unsplash

There’s about as much educatioal benefit to studying dolphins in captivity as there would be studying mankind by only observing prisoners held in solitary.     

Jacques Cousteau

Whales and dolphins cannot be kept in zoos and dolphinariums in a manner appropriate to their species. Strong arguments exist against swimming with dolphins – especially in a dolphinarium. In the wild, swimming with dolphins can be fun for humans and dolphins, but some things must be considered.

What to have in mind when swimming with dolphins and

  1. The risk of aggressive behavior towards humans (for example when they have no place to retreat or want to protect their young).
  2. The risk of disease transmission from humans to dolphins and vice versa.
  3. Swimmers* can injure the sensitive skin of dolphins (for example by jewellery or by fingernails when holding on).
  4. The risk of forcing dolphins to interact with humans (for example by depriving them of food).
  5. Individuals are torn from their natural environment for dolphinariums and dolphin therapy services. They have transported thousands of kilometres to be available to humans in dolphinariums.
  6. Research has shown that in areas where many commercial swim trips and other activities occur, dolphins leave their natural habitat to seek out quieter areas.
  7. No long-term success has been demonstrated with dolphin therapy. Import if you are looking for the best places to swim with dolphins.

The Best Places to Swim or Dive with Dolphins

YouTube video

Swimming with Dolphins Nassau, Bahamas, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Jim Harte

Finally, you are there, at your dream destination – The water is crystal clear and dreamy blue, and then you hear it. In the distance, there must be dolphins communicating. You can’t hold your excitement back, nor can the Dolphins. 

Follow us to the best places to swim or dive with these magnificent fun creatures.

How Did We Choose the Best Places to Swim with Dolphins?

As Dolphins are at home almost everywhere on the planet, are curious, and love to play, swimming or diving with dolphins in the wild is possible in many places. Hence, choosing places to show you first was extremely hard when looking for the best places to swim with dolphins.

Ultimately, we believe these are all incredible places with unique Dolphin experiences. The numbering is to give you a structure.

#1 The Bahamas

Dolphin under water
Close up of a dolphin under water. Image via Unsplash

In the crystal clear, shallow waters of the Bahamas, there are many encounters with dolphins; mainly, the mammals are found near Bimini, Grand Bahama, and in many hidden bays known only to tour guides. Around the island of Grand Bahama, which is only 90 km east of Palm Beach in Florida, dolphin groups can be found in warm water almost all year round, and encounters are more or less guaranteed.

  • Travel time: All year round
  • Dolphin species: spotted dolphin, spinner dolphin, blue-white dolphin, and porpoise
  • Other species: Later in the year, there is a possibility of encountering bull and tiger sharks and whitetip oceanic sharks.

Best Diving Schools near the Bahamas for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

#2 The Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

  1. Wild Quest 
  2. Balmoral Island 
  3. Island Routes Caribbean Adventures – Bahamas  
  4. Dolphin Cay 
  5. Charter Me Bahamas 
YouTube video
Galapagos Island-how is this real like, Source : YouTube, Uploaded: Fernweh Chronicles

This UNESCO World Heritage Site is at the top of the list for many divers for a good reason. In addition to whales, sharks, and other large marine animals, dolphins are often sighted here from boats and while diving.

Bottlenose and common dolphins are permanently resident; other species can be encountered while migrating through the reserve. Spinner dolphins in particular, are found in large groups around Fernandina Island.

  • Travel time: All year round
  • Dolphin species: Bottlenose dolphin, common dolphin, Risso’s dolphin, spinner dolphin and spotted dolphin
  • Other species: The list is almost endless and includes whales, mantas, marine lizards, penguins, sea lions and lots of sharks

View all liveaboards in the Galapagos Islands.

Best Diving Schools near The Galapagos Islands for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Galapagos Ninfa Tour 
  2. Voyager’s Travel 
  3. Galapagos Island Trips 
  4. Alya Catamaran 
  5. Galapagos Low Cost 

#3 Flic-en-Flac, Mauritius

YouTube video
Mauritius -flic en flac- inseltour – September 2022, Source: YouTube, Uploaded Vito Pugliese

If you go on an excursion to swim with dolphins, you will (if you are lucky enough to meet them) experience these adorable animals in all their beauty.

Dolphins are usually in groups of 20 or more. They can often be seen in the early morning hours in the bay of Tamarin (west of Mauritius), where they set off to feed in the deeper waters around Le Morne peninsula.

The most common dolphin species in Mauritius are bottlenose dolphins (bottle-nosed dolphins) and spinner dolphins. These species delight and surprise spectators with the playfulness with which they gracefully swim in the waves.

The bottlenose dolphins can often be seen in and around Mauritius, and you will probably meet them on your trip. They are grey and can reach a length of 2-4 meters and weigh 150 to 650 kg. While they are seen in small groups of only 15 dolphins, they can also be seen in groups of up to a thousand. These wonderful cheerful animals mainly feed on small fish living in the deeper waters around Mauritius.

What is the best time to see dolphins in Mauritius?

Best Time to swim with Dolphins in MauritiusAll Year Round 

Best Diving Schools near the Flic-en-Flac for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Taxi a Maurice 
  2. La Pirogue – Swim with Dolphins 
  3. Ushuaia Boat Services
  4. Holy Spirit Cruise 
  5. Mauritius Sea Discovery 

#4 Sataya Reef & Samadai Reef, Egypt

YouTube video
Dolphin house sataya reef, Source: YouTube, Uploaded Palmira

The clear visibility in the Egyptian Red Sea with its colorful corals and the many fish species is almost enough to make any underwater enthusiast happy. But it gets even better, as the area is home to many species of dolphins and you can encounter groups of spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, common and round-headed dolphins.

Explore the renowned reefs near Marsa Alam in the southern Red Sea. Dive or snorkel along the edge of Samadai Reef, known as “Dolphin House,” and Sataya Reef. Await the inquisitive dolphins emerging from their lagoon for a close encounter.

  • Travel time: All year round, with May to July being the best time
  • Dolphin species: Mainly spinner dolphins, but also occasionally bottlenose dolphins, common and round-headed dolphins
  • Other species: On Elphinstone Reef you can also see white tip sharks, turtles and many reef fish

Liveaboard recommended by us: MY Blue Planet I

Best Diving Schools near the Sataya Reef & Samadai Reef for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Liveaboards
  2. Mars al alam Tours  
  3. Viator 
  4. Inspirock
  5. Ibis Travel  

#5 Socorro Island, Mexico

YouTube video
The spirit of socorro – driving in socorro island mexico, Source: YouTube, Upload: Pestivideo-loseke

The island of Socorro, nicknamed the “Mexican Galapagos”, is one of the best diving destinations in the world and boasts some awe-inspiring large animal species. Here you can watch the sea giants like manta rays, whale sharks, and humpback whales in their natural environment.

During the high season, you can also regularly see dolphins and these majestic marine creatures.

  • Travel time: January to March for dolphins, although the season lasts from November to May
  • Dolphin species: bottlenose dolphin
  • Other species: Regular encounters with whale sharks, mantas, humpback whales and up to 10 species of sharks, including hammerheads
  • Liveaboard recommended by us: Quino El Guardian

Best Diving Schools near Socorro Island for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Cantamar Liveaboards 

#6 Ningaloo Reef, Australia

dolphin near the coastline
A group of dolphins swimming in the ocean. Image via Unsplash

The Ningaloo Reef in Australia is world-famous for whale sharks and manta rays sightings. But this beautiful little island is also developing into one of the best places in the world to meet dolphins.

Common dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins cruise the bays of Rockingham and pass by the islands; large groups of common dolphins can be found in the Port Stephens-Great Lakes Marine Park. With its idyllic location, fantastic underwater world, and great weather, this little paradise is worth a visit.

Ever wanted to go to Australia? 
Have a look at the Best Places to see Koalas.

  • Travel time: All year round
  • Dolphin species: common dolphin, bottlenose dolphin and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin
  • Other species: Encounters with whale sharks, whales and sharks are quite possible

Liveaboard recommended by us: Spoilsport

Best Diving Schools in Australia for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Viator 
  2. Dive Forster 
  3. Dolphin Boat Australia 
  4. Dolphin Discovery Centre 
  5. Rockingham Wild Encounters 

#7 Sardine migration, South Africa

YouTube video
Wild giant predators- millions of sardines, Source : YouTube, Uploaded: TVKS documentary ng ch

Sardine migration has become very popular since the broadcast of “Blue Planet”, where the migration of the billions of sardines on the east coast of South Africa was portrayed. The up to 15 km long shoals attract hungry seabirds, whales, sharks, and dolphins, who also want a bite.

Divers can plunge into the midst of the turmoil to watch some of the 18,000 dolphins in their annual hunt for sardines in a feeding frenzy. Not only can divers see the animals in impressive numbers, they can also see how these intelligent mammals work together to hunt the huge schools of fish.

  • Travel time: May to July for the sardine hike; dolphins can be seen all year round
  • Dolphin species: porpoise and common dolphin
  • Other species: sharks, humpback whales, tunas and mackerel, are also found.

View all dive centers in South Africa.

Best Diving Schools in South Africa for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Animal Ocean
  2. Extreme Nature Tours 
  3. Safari and Surf 
  4. Scuba Crew 
  5. Cape Town Bucket List 

#8 Hawaii, Oahu Island and Big Island, USA

YouTube video
Swimming with dolphins in Hawaii, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Micbergsma

Swimming with dolphins in Hawaii will make your vacation unforgettable. There are eight different species (including spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and spotted dolphins) of dolphins in the waters of Hawaii. Most common are the bottle-nosed and spinner dolphins.

On Oahu Island and the Big Island, various dolphin tours are offered, allowing visitors to meet these creatures in the wild. Some tours are pure sightseeing tours where you can watch the dolphins from the boat. Others even offer to jump into the water and swim with the dolphins. 

Near Oahu and Big Island, you can regularly see Spinner Dolphins resting in shallow sandy bays; check with your tour operator to see if they participate in the government’s Dolphin SMART program, which ensures responsible dolphin tourism.

  • Travel time: All year round, with increasing numbers of dolphins in the winter months
  • Dolphin species: Spinner dolphin, spotted dolphin and bottlenose dolphin
  • Other species: sharks, turtles, killer whales, pilot whales and manta rays
Dolphins swimming
Aerial photography of black dolphins swimming. Image via Unsplash

Best Diving Schools in Hawaii for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Kona Ocean Adventures
  2. Sea Quest Snorkel Tours 
  3. Hawaii Experiences
  4. Wild Hawaii Ocean Experiences 
  5. Mantra Ray Dives of Hawaii 

#9 Kaikoura, New Zealand

YouTube video
Whale watching in kaikoura , new zealand, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Daneger and Stacey

Kaikoura, on the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, is a great place to meet black dolphins. The dolphins form groups of 100 to 1,000 individuals around Kaikoura. Several tour operators guarantee encounters with these magnificent marine creatures and allow you to dive, snorkel and swim with them.

  • Travel time: All year round
  • Dolphin species: Black dolphin
  • Other animal species: seabirds and whales

Best Diving Schools in New Zealand for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. NZ Dolphin
  2. Dolphin Encounter 
  3. Dolphin Project 
  4. Black Cat NZ 
  5. Viator 

#10 Dolphin House, Hurghada or Marsa Alam, Egypt

YouTube video
Swimming with wild dolphine during dolphin house tour – hurghada egypt, Source: YouTube, Uploaded Jasmine & Frank

A popular excursion to Dolphin Bay in Hurghada! We recommend the trip because tourists can enjoy swimming with dolphins here.

You can also see the beautiful corals and a variety of fish and enjoy a picnic on a boat on the Red Sea. Another great place on the list for the best places to swim with dolphins.

Best Diving Schools in Hurghada for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Liveaboard
  2. Hurghada Online Tours  
  3. Egyptra 

#11 Brazil, Fernando De Noronha, Brazil

YouTube video
Fernando de noronha, brazil, Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Wout of the world

Close to the island of Fernando De Noronha is home to the world’s largest group of spinner dolphins. The group, according to some assumptions, more than 10,000 animals strong, can be regularly encountered early in the morning when returning from night hunting in the open sea. The island, about 320 km off the Brazilian coast, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is blessed with some of Brazil’s most beautiful beaches.

  • Travel time: August to November for the north of the island, January to March for the south
  • Dolphin species: Spinner dolphin
  • Other species: Good chances to encounter turtles, whitetip reef sharks and nurse sharks

Best Diving Schools in Fernando de Noronha for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Atlantis Divers 
  2. Noronha Travel
  3. Grayline Brazil 

#12 Raja Ampat, Indonesia

YouTube video
The best of raja ampat-12 days of epic diving on the seven seas, Source: YouTube, Uploaded : Tommy Schultz

For those enthusiastic about biodiversity, corals and macro-creatures, Raja Ampat is an enchanting destination – as a special bonus, there are also many dolphins. In the warm sea water, spinner dolphins, spotted dolphins, bottlenose dolphins and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins, and round-headed dolphins cavort. You will likely encounter dolphins during your crossings, so there are many opportunities to dive into the waters.

  • Travel time: October to April
  • Dolphin species: Spinner dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, Indo-Pacific dolphins and Risso’s dolphins
  • Other species: minke whales, small killer whales, pilot whales, sharks, mantas

Liveaboard recommended by us: Samambaia

See all liveaboards in Raja Ampat

Best Diving Schools in Raja Ampat for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Meridian Adventures 
  2. Cove Eco Resort 
  3. Stay Raja Ampat 
  4. Papua Paradise Eco Resort
  5. Raja 4 Divers  

#13 Pico, Azores

YouTube video
The azores – Part 02 . faial & pico island. Source : YouTube, Uploaded: Viti_ ontour

There is also a discreet encounter between humans and animals, writes the travel portal “Marco Polo”. The Undersea Soft Encounter Alliance also offers dolphin diving on the Portuguese Atlantic islands.

Also, have a look at our Europe Wildlife Article if you want to read about swimming with dolphins in Europe.

Best Diving Schools near Pico, Azores, for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Cetacean Watching, Pico Island
  2. Dive Azores, Faial Island
  3. Twin Peaks Diving Centre, Pico Island
  4. Brizaçores, Pico Island
  5. Norberto Diver, Faial Island
  6. Futurismo

#14 Nelson Bay and Port Stephens, Australia

Dolphine Jumping out
Dolphin jumping out. Image via Unsplash

Nelson Bay is dedicated to a humpback whale and dolphin tourism. For example, the excursion boats of Moonshadow advertise with a 99% guarantee to see dolphins.

However: With a busy schedule, the dolphins are sometimes frightened away, writes “Marco Polo”. Muttonbird Island, located at the head of Coffs Harbour, is a much quieter place and a great vantage point.

YouTube video
Dolphin swim port stephens, Australia, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: The nelson fam

Nov – April is the best time for Dolphins here!

Best Diving Schools near Nelson Bay, Australia, for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Another great place to best places to swim with dolphins. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Dolphin Boat Australia
  2. The Retreat
  3. Imagine Cruises
  4. Moonshadow
  5. Cruisability

#15 Madeira, Portugal

YouTube video
Huge pod of dolphins on madeira island , portugal , Source : YouTube, Uploaded: Jackson groves

Who has not dreamt of swimming with dolphins and watching whales? For sure, not only children are enthusiastic about this experience but also young and old people – thus, those who visit Madeira should really take their time and experience this extraordinary excursion – and those who have children should surely not forget them in the hotel during this excursion…

In Madeira, for example, there is the possibility of making a daily boat trip and get very close to the whales and dolphins. Those who want to experience something extraordinary can even swim with the shoals of dolphins and watch them playing from very close. It is precise because there are very frequent visits of dolphins and whales off the coast of Madeira, that there is so often the opportunity to observe these fascinating animals more closely. 

  1. Magic Dolphin
  2. Ocean See
  3. Ventura Nature Emotions
  4. H2O Madeira
  5. On Tales
  6. Lobosonda

#16 Manaus, Amazon, Brazil 

YouTube video
The amazon is incredible! Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Jumping places

Incredible sight! Pink dolphins are an absolute rarity in the animal kingdom. The Botos, or also called Amazon dolphins, exist exclusively in South America.

Incredible sight! Pink dolphins are an absolute rarity in the animal kingdom. The Botos, or also called Amazon dolphins, exist exclusively in South America. Photo: Getty Images

Yes, they exist: pink dolphins. Botos, as the animals are also called, are found exclusively in the Amazon and in the Orinoco River in South America. In the rivers there are then selected places where it is possible to swim with these rare animals. For this, however, it is best to book a tour and place yourself confidently in the hands of experienced guides – because not only the sweet pink dolphins swim around in the rivers…

Best Diving Schools near the Manaus, Brazil for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Lo Peix
  2. Amazon Forest Tours
  3. Ney Eco Adventures
  4. Amazon Tours Brazil
  5. Amazonas Day Tour

#17 Molat and Pula, Croatia

YouTube video
Top 10 things to do in pula croatia, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Travel time

Dolphins can also be observed on the Croatian island of Molat – even from a kayak. Malik Adventures offers such adventure tours. And if that’s not enough: The Blue World Institute even offers the possibility of adopting a dolphin.

If you want to become active, you can do so through a volunteer program. This is possible among others with the Croats of Malik Adventures or with Volunteer Work on Filicudi (Liparic Islands, Italy) in the Mediterranean Sea – to name a few examples.

Best Diving Schools near Molat, Croatia for swimming with Dolphins 

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Losinj Dolphins
  2. Dolphin Watching Adriatic
  3. Dolphin Watching Rovinj
  4. Pula Brikuni
  5. See Dolphins

#18 Borneo

YouTube video
Endangered river dolphin species numbers on the rise, Source: YouTube, Uploaded: National geographic

Embark on a journey from Kuching to the Damai Peninsula, where you’ll set sail to the river mouth, seeking the elusive Irrawaddy Dolphins. These slow swimmers surface in a distinctive rolling manner, showcasing tail flukes only during deep dives. Witness them gracefully maneuver around local fishermen’s boats in pursuit of food.

The adventure may extend to spotting wild crocodiles along the mangrove forest riverbanks. A 30-minute boat ride leads to the Satang Islands, near Santubong, passing ‘Bird’s Rock,’ a vital habitat for Black-naped and Bridled terns. Indulge in a provided island lunch, relishing scenic views, unwinding at the beach, or taking a refreshing swim or snorkel in crystal-clear waters.

Post-lunch, return to Damai and conclude the day with a transfer back to Kuching.

Best Tour Operators on Borneo for watching Dolphins 

Dolphin in water. Image via Unsplash

Multiple diving schools and tour operators are offering dolphin encounters. Here are the most reliable ones (Rated on Google Maps and TripAdvisor):

  1. Borneo Eco Tours

Summary of Best Places to swim with Dolphins

YouTube video
A showy dolphin super- pod, Source: YouTube , Uploaded: Nat geo wild

Dolphins are brilliant and fun beings. Under the right circumstances diving or swimming with dolphins can be an excellent adventure for humans and animals.

Dolphins need our protection. Have fun exploring dolphins responsibly and make unforgettable memories when visiting the best places to swim with dolphins. See other types of species of sea mammals here.

If you want to see pink dolphins, look at our blog article on the amazon and its dolphins.

Other fun mammals to swim with are seals and sea lions!

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Lesley Seach

Friday 18th of September 2020

Hey Guys!

How are you? Love your website and really appreciate you encouraging people to visit Port Stephens to swim with the dolphins there. I just wanted to reach out and advise you that our name has been listed incorrectly in a couple of spots regarding the blog about swimming with dolphins. We have been listed as "Dolphin Boat Australia", however our name is "Dolphin Swim Australia" :-). I hope you don't mind me pointing it out to you. I'm sure people could probably find us anyway (we're the only permitted wild dolphin swim in New South Wales), however it might make it a bit easier for them.

Hope you are keeping well in these crazy times!

Lesley :-)

Lesley Seach Public Relations Officer Dolphin Swim Australia

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