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Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex

Gigantosaurus vs. t-rex

Today we will be comparing two astonishingly lethal species: Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex!

Monsters and huge creatures are bound to immediately grab your attention, whether you’re watching a movie or reading an article. Gigantosaurus and T-Rex were huge creatures of the past, and Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex facts and comparisons are beyond exciting.

In several Hollywood movies (and just popular culture in general), monsters and superficial creatures have been getting the public’s attention. Even though what we see on the big screens is usually based on fiction, some monsters do exist (or did exist, in this case.)

It gets even more interesting when it is based on reality, not fiction. Wildlife history is full of dark and exciting stories about various animal species. Gigantosaurus and T-Rex were two gigantic creatures from the dinosaur family.

Today, we will discuss these two, including facts, comparisons, and other details. So, let’s find out all about the Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex.

Comparing Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex

Gigantosaurus vs. t-rex
 GigantosaurusT Rex
SizeThe largest Gigantosaurus measured 45 feet long, 18.3 feet tall, and weighed 5.2 tons.The T-Rex is estimated to have measured 40 feet in length and 12 feet in height. It weighed anything from 11,000 to 15,500 pounds.
SpeedThe Gigantosaurus could easily reach 31.3 mph.T-Rex was only capable of running at speeds of up to 6.8 mph.
Bite PowerGigantosaurus can deliver 6,000 lbs of pressure per square inch of its victim (relatively weak for a creature of its size).Tyrannosaurus bites could deliver up to 431,000 pounds per square inch, which enabled the dinosaur to break up its prey’s bones.
Brain PowerThe enormous skull with its banana-sized brain indicates that it was not a particularly clever creature.They had fairly large brain which developed early on in its life, making them relatively clever.
HabitatIt is believed that the Gigantosaurus thrived in warm, humid settings like forests and floodplains. Its fossils were discovered in Argentina in South America.Fossils of Tyrannosaurus rex have been found in the Northwest, in Canada, in Alberta, and in states like Montana and South Dakota. They were thought to have resided in open, prey-rich environments, close to rivers, and in woodlands.
Predatory BehaviorIt is believed that Gigantosaurus was an opportunistic carnivore with the ability to kill live prey and scavenge when necessary.The T-Rex was said to hunt and ambush its victims; however, it wasn’t above foraging if the chance arose.

All About Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex

The Tyrannosaurus (T-Rex) and the Gigantosaurus existed thousands of years apart and in distinct places. The biggest distinction between the T-Rex and Gigantosaurus was their size and height.

Compared to the T-Rex, the normal Gigantosaurus was slightly taller and bigger. Both of these ancient giants were enormous relative to other carnivorous dinosaurs. The Gigantosaurus was around 45 feet long, 20 feet tall, and weighed roughly 17,600 pounds.

On the other hand, the T-Rex was 40 feet long, 20 feet tall, and weighed a maximum of 15,000 pounds.

Another significant distinction is that the T-Rex lived around 30 million years after the Cenomanian Age and the Gigantosaurus during the Maastrichtian Period of the Late Cretaceous Period.


Theropod dinosaurs of the genus Gigantosaurus lived between 99.6 and 95 million years ago in what is now Argentina. In 1995, scientists named it Gigantosaurus, which means “big southern lizard.”

Being one of the biggest known terrestrial carnivores the Gigantosaurus was able to kill prey within seconds. Gigantosaurus’ flat serrated teeth, like those of other carcharodontosaurids, would have made it simple to go through the flesh of its victim. It lacked any natural predators due to its size.



One of the fiercest carnivores, the T-Rex, had huge and pointed teeth. On what once was an island continent called Laramidia the Tyrannosaurus thrived; the area is currently western North America.

It was a carnivore that walked on two legs and had a large, hefty tail to balance off its gigantic skull. They are one of the biggest land carnivores ever, with the biggest recorded T-Rex skulls reaching 5 feet.

The nasals and a few other bones were joined, and the skull’s bones were huge and immobile.

 Astonishing Facts About the Gigantosaurus

This huge creature hides exciting facts. Let’s uncover the truths that scientists and researchers have explored so far.

A Hunter Found The First Bone

While operating a dune buggy in the Patagonia badlands district of Argentina in 1993, a hunter came across the lower thighbone of a theropod dinosaur. He was a mechanic by profession who used to hunt as a hobby. When the find was made, experts from the National University of Comahue were dispatched to dig for the specimen.

Huge Skull Size

The skeleton was disarticulated (separated), and the partial skull fragments were dispersed over a region. An estimate claimed that their skull was nearly 6 ft long; however, that estimate has now been generally discredited, and several reduced estimates have been suggested with time.

Specimen Is Incomplete With 70% Bones

Nobody has got a complete skeleton of Gigantosaurus till this day and all the research has been done on the 70% of the remains that have been recovered. The skeleton is shown in a museum and is set up on the sand-covered floor in a room devoted to the creature, with the specimen preserving about 70% of the bones.

Humongous In Size

Based on fresh evidence, researchers determined in 1997 that the Gigantosaurus was larger than the Carcharodontosaurus. According to estimates, they measured 45–47 feet long and 8–10 tons in weight.

Monster Who Prey On Argentinosaurus

The discovery of the bones of the massive titanosaur dinosaur Argentinosaurus close to those of Gigantosaurus may be a clue that this early Cretaceous meat-eater preyed in packs, or at least in clusters of two or three individuals.

It isn’t easy to imagine a full-grown adult Gigantosaurus knocking down a 50-ton Argentinosaurus adult. This is why it is thought multiple individuals would be needed, leading to the theory that they sometimes hunted in packs. Scientists have made assumptions about how this encounter would arise.

Amazing Running Speed

A thorough examination of its bone structure suggests that the Gigantosaurus was slightly more agile, capable of running at 20 mph or more when pursuing prey, at least for a brief period – making them dangerous predators. However, some specialists maintain that this allegedly terrifying dinosaur could only reach a top speed of a paltry 10 miles per hour.

Giant Skull That Held A Tiny Brain

Scientists discovered that this giant predator, despite every organ being so huge, had such a tiny brain inside its skull. Scientists have determined that their brain would have been around the length and weight of a banana.

There is very little brain capacity left for thinking when you consider the size of these beasts and the size of their minds, they could utilize to run their bodies efficiently.

Shark-like Teeth

As with other carcharodontosaurids, Gigantosaurus had flat, serrated teeth that would have made it simple to slice into the flesh of its victim. Due to their size, they lacked any natural predators but could swiftly kill live prey.

Another assumption is that, given how common rebbachisaurid sauropods were throughout the Cenomanian period, Gigantosaurus likely consumed them.

Carnivore By Nature

Since there haven’t been any non-sauropod findings in South America during this time, it has been challenging to identify any small animals that Gigantosaurus might have preyed upon.

The discoveries led paleontologists to assume that this enormous meat-eater preyed on gigantic plant-eating dinosaurs rather than lesser dinosaurs.

Origin Of Name

Gigantosaurus, which translates to “big southern lizard,” refers to a genus of extinct theropod dinosaurs in Argentina during the Cenomanian period. The title honors the discoverer, Rubén D. Carolini, while the generic name translates to “big southern lizard.”

Astounding Facts About the T-Rex

Gigantosaurus vs. t-rex

Here comes another monster who must have been a terror to other living beings in their time. Let’s find out the astounding facts about this one.

Theropod Dinosaur

Tyrannosaurus rex (T-Rex), often known as the “King of the Tyrant Lizards,” had stepped on the earth intending to rule the planet. It was one of the fiercest predators to have ever roamed the planet. They are regarded as one of the theropods with the best and most frequent representation.

Powerful Giant Physique

The length of this dinosaur’s lean body, measured from its head to the end of its formidable tail, may reach 40 feet. It was a carnivore that would walk on two legs and had a huge skull supported by a long, hefty tail.

Tyrannosaurus rex was larger than other theropods, and is thought to have had the strongest bite force among all terrestrial creatures.

Brutal Predators

This vicious carnivore had a rigid skull that enabled it to concentrate all of its muscle power into a single bite, making it the ideal structure for crushing through its food.

It was probably an apex predator, feeding on young armored herbivores like hadrosaurs, scavenging dead bodies, and occasionally even eating fellow hadrosaurs.

A Smart Bad-boy

In contrast to the Giganotosaurus, the dinosaur we’re discussing today boasted a brain designed for a higher level of intelligence. This colossal creature featured unique adaptations, including vents in its head reminiscent of alligators, which helped regulate its brain temperature, preventing overheating as it employed its formidable jaws to crush and capture prey.


Some animal bones develop annual growth rings throughout time. Scientists can determine an object’s age by the number of rings and growth stage from its breadth. The huge limb bones best preserved as fossils aren’t among the bones that preserve a full set of growth rings.

So, as per research, these predators had a short lifespan as the estimated life has been recorded to be around 28 years.

40 Ft Giant

When T-Rex had skin and flesh covering its enormous bones, it is thought to have weighed between 11,000 and 15,500 pounds. Scientists have estimated that a T-Rex may reach lengths of up to 40 feet and heights of 12 feet based on fossilized specimens.

Slow Chasers

Researchers have examined the bodies and muscles of enormous living creatures and the stress that running causes on the body. The arms of this aggressive dinosaur were surprisingly small, showing they could not run too fast.

Some people think that the animal’s arms, like the pelvic bones of a snake, were an evolutionary byproduct. They could only walk briskly at up to 7,5 mph despite having powerful thighs and legs.

12-Inch Teeth

The T-Rex has the longest serrated teeth yet discovered in a carnivorous dinosaur, measuring 12 inches. Allegedly, the dinosaur’s front teeth grasped and tugged; its side teeth tore tissue, and its back teeth sliced meat and pushed it down the throat.

Because the teeth of the T-Rex were not flat but rather wide and slightly dull, they could endure the forces applied by fighting victims.

Fast maturation

Scientists estimate that the T-Rex reached its maximum size in less than twenty years and expanded far more quickly than modern reptiles. During its “teenage” growth surge, T-Rex may have boosted its weight by up to 1,500 pounds yearly to develop this swiftly.

Origin Of Name

Tyrannosaurus is a Greek word that means “tyrant lizard,” while the Latin word “rex” means “king.” Therefore, the “King of the Tyrant Lizards” is what the Tyrannosaurus rex’s name entails.

Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex: Comparison

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These two monsters would never have been able to come across each other as they both existed at different times, the gap was millions of years apart. Also, they both existed in distinct regions.

Let’s dive into the details to evaluate which of these horrific animals would prevail in a hypothetical fight.


Various size hypotheses have been investigated over time using various techniques based on the fossils that have been retrieved, but a complete replica is only sometimes accessed. Although it is impossible to say with certainty whether the Gigantosaurus was larger or smaller than the T-Rex, it is most likely that the Gigantosaurus would win this contest.

The T-Rex grew 40 feet long, 15 to 20 feet tall at the withers, and weighed between six-nine tons. On the other hand, the Gigantosaurus grew roughly 9 tons in weight, between 40 and 46 feet long and 23 feet at the withers.


Reconstructing a dinosaur’s muscle structure and density, estimating its center of mass, and other factors help scientists determine a dinosaur’s speed. For dinosaurs, a fast speed may not be the most crucial factor, but it is something to account for in a large predator.

Since many years ago, there have been debates regarding the maximum speed of a T-Rex. Some scientists believe the maximum speed to be 10 mph, whereas other estimates put it as high as 45 mph. On the other side, it is said that the Gigantosaurus could run at a pace of 31.3 mph.


The Gigantosaurus had a relatively tiny brain and a long skull, and the back of its skull had a sharp forward slope. In contrast, the T-Rex possessed a huge, thick skull.

The T-Rex had two weak arms that ended in two-fingered “hands,” which didn’t extend to its mouth. Likewise, the Gigantosaurus supported itself on two enormous, incredibly strong rear legs and three-fingered “hands” that culminated in pointed claws. Because of its slim, pointed tail, the Gigantosaurus was likely more agile and capable of making swift, sharp bends. But evidence implies that T-Rex’s tail was heavier than the Gigantosaurus’.

Both dinosaurs had powerful musculoskeletal thighs, which helped them with running.

Bite Strength

As the hardest-biting terrestrial animal in history, the T-Rex was said to have conical, serrated teeth that were constantly being replaced. Nearly 5,800 kg of force could be used to bite down on its prey, and it could effortlessly separate its prey’s parts and even turn the bones into a paste.

The eight-inch-long, sharp teeth of the Gigantosaurus were small, thin, and sharp. Moreover, the strength of a Gigantosaurus peaked at about 3,600 kg of force. In other words, the T-Rex had a much stronger biting force.


The head of the T-Rex was around 5 feet long, and the skull of the Gigantosaurus measured 5.2 feet in height. Its brain was tiny and shaped like a banana. The T-Rex’s skull was larger and wider, and so was its brain.

Having good smell and vision, the Gigantosaurus was similar to modern dinosaurs in many ways, although knowledge of their senses is limited.

On the other hand, the T-Rex evolved sophisticated brain functions before reaching its maximum size, which is probably what first caused some of its highly evolved features. The T-Rex was among the most intelligent dinosaurs.


The fossils of tyrannosaurus have been found all over the Western United States, indicating that they lived in a far wider variety of settings. However, the complete specimen of a Gigantosaurus has only been found in Patagonia, which was once part of what is now Argentina.

Prey Hunting Skills

The T-rex’s puncture-and-pull biting technique allowed it to extract large chunks of flesh from its prey. Additionally, the T-Rex likely killed its prey by cutting and slashing it with its teeth.

When fighting other dinosaurs with comparable strength, Gigantosaurus used its claws to bleed out the opposition.

The Bottom Line

Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex

Comparing the Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex reveals they had many similarities, which is not surprising since they were both enormous apex predators in their respective eras. The Gigantosaurus is believed to be one of the largest theropods to have existed. But it is difficult to determine its exact size due to the incompleteness of its remains. It may have been larger and faster, but the T-Rex had a more powerful bite and more teeth. The Gigantosaurus was larger than a T-Rex but far less intelligent. The former lived in what is now modern-day Argentina, and the latter inhabited the western areas of what is now North America.

Thank you for reading this post on the Gigantosaurus vs. T-Rex! Which one do you think seems deadliest? If you liked this read we’re guessing you’re a fellow dino-lover, and that you’d probably also like our piece on the Mighty Andrewsarchus!

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