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Watch: Massive Black Bear Breaks Into House

Black Bear breaks into a house. Image by RMV on YouTube.

In this article, we will delve a bit deeper into the bear life and look at a video where a massive bear breaks into a house. Let’s dive in!

The Black Bear

Black Bear in dense folliage. Image by Pete Nuij via Unsplash.

Black Bears, known scientifically as Ursus americanus, are native to North America and blessed with diverse landscapes. They can be found from the sunny forests of Florida to the icy wilderness of Alaska.

These adaptable creatures are skilled at making their homes in various environments, including forests, swamps, and urban areas.

Unlike their grizzly counterparts, Black Bears are often more elusive and shy. They seek refuge in densely wooded areas, creating their dens in hollow trees or beneath fallen logs. This natural habitat offers them both security and an abundance of food sources.

Behaviour and Communication

Black Bear with a Flower in its Mouth. Image via Pexels.

Black Bears are creatures of habit, following a daily routine centered around foraging, resting, and exploring their territory.

They are not particularly territorial but have defined home ranges that they mark with scent markings to communicate with other bears. These magnificent animals are not the loners they may seem.

They have a social side, with mothers raising their cubs and sometimes forming loose associations with other bears. Communication occurs through body language, vocalizations like grunts and moans, and the famous ‘huffing’ sound that signals agitation

Bear Necessities: Diet and Feeding Habits

black bear

Black Bears have a versatile diet.

They are omnivorous, which means they eat both plants and animals. In the spring and summer, they graze on vegetation like berries, grasses, and plants. This period is crucial for them to gain weight and build fat reserves, preparing for the harsh winters.

However, they aren’t shy about indulging in meaty treats when the opportunity arises. Insects, small mammals, and fish become delectable additions to their menu.

Black Bears’ strong sense of smell and sharp claws make them skilled hunters, especially when digging for grubs or overturning rocks to uncover tasty morsels.

Their Distinctive Coat

black bear

Black Bears are known for their distinctive black fur, although some individuals can be brown, cinnamon, or even a creamy color.

Interestingly, not all Black Bears are black, and not all black bears are alike.This variety in fur color is just one of the intriguing aspects of these animals.

Black Bears acute senses, particularly their sense of smell, are remarkable. They have a highly developed olfactory system that allows them to detect scents from miles away, making them excellent at finding food and avoiding danger.

Black Bear Breaks into a House

Asian black bears are reproductively compatible with several other bear species, and have on occasion produced hybrid offspring.

Black Bears usually avoid human contact, but sometimes, curiosity gets the best of them.

There’s a video circulating the internet where a bear breaks down a front door and saunters inside a house, almost as if it’s embarking on a house tour. This unforgettable moment leaves us all in awe of their strength and inquisitiveness.

In the video, the bear nonchalantly walks into the house. It sniffs around the living room, perhaps intrigued by the unfamiliar scents.

After quickly looking around, the bear decides to exit the way it came in, leaving the broken door in its wake.

YouTube video
Viode by RMV on YouTube.


black bear with cubs
Photo / Becca

Black bears will continue to be a part of our lives, their antics can sometimes have consequences but if we approach the situations and be pro active in keeping bears at bay the amount of human bear interactions should stay relatively low. Remeber bears are not our friends and we need to respect them just as much as we respect each other. I hope you enjoyed reading about this bear break-in. To read more stories about Bears, check out the articles below:

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Friday 3rd of November 2023

When the bear opened the door, it looks like some human's hand pushed back the flipping door. i think this is the fake video people set up.

Shep D

Friday 6th of October 2023

Would've had to pop the bear 8


Thursday 5th of October 2023

I think we're taking it toooo lightly they're exploring houses now!!! What if it was night and my little daughter was up to use the bathroom??!! Bears do come back!!! Stop making it seem ok!!

Jeremiah Johnson

Thursday 5th of October 2023

That's a black bear, quit lying and telling everyone it's a brown bear that can weigh up to 1500 pounds... sensationalism at it's stupidity !!!

Alana Theron

Friday 6th of October 2023

The original source said it was a grizzly bear, but after doing some research it proves to be a black bear. Well spotted thank you!


Thursday 5th of October 2023

@Jeremiah Johnson, EXACTLY CORRECT...!!!

Ellen Case

Thursday 5th of October 2023

It would be nice if you would show us the videos! None of them were not showing.

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