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Bonding – Between animals, and animals and humans

dog parent
Image by Adam Griffith via Unsplash

Many of us have had the privilege to form a bond with our pets, which often opens the debate to whether animals have emotions and can experience love. Well, they most certainly do! If your dog’s excitement to see you come through the door, or seeing two cubs grooming each other can’t convince you, maybe this will!

It has been proven that dogs experience increased levels of oxytocin (the love hormone) when cuddling with their owners. Making this the perfect page for all of our hearts that melt when seeing a beautiful bond between a human and an animal, and in my case, even more so when two animals share a soft moment. 

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Youtube / the DODO

What Animals Are Most Likely To Bond With Humans?

  1. Dogs: No surprise here. Human-dog relationships have been around for hundreds of years starting as a working relationship, these animals quickly turned into companions and loved members of families around the world. 
  2. Cats: Cats are often jokingly referred to as their human owners, and to a certain extent this is true! Although they are less cuddly than dogs, for the most part, cats share a special bond and trust with their owners, loving them in their unique ways. 
  3. Horses: For years horses have been working closely with humans and for just as long they have become companions to their owners. Horses are brilliant and recognize human emotions easily. Once they trust a human a strong, life-long connection is formed. 
  4. Pigs: In recent years pigs have become popular support animals for humans. They can socialize, are intelligent, and even express care for their owners.
  5. Chickens: This one surprised me! Chickens have also gained popularity as support animals over the recent years, as they are easily trained, very sociable, and express emotions to their caretakers.

Recent Animal Bonding News

Can Animals Form Emotional Connections With Humans? 

This has been a discussion in the science world for many years – are animals capable of experiencing human emotions such as love, happiness, embarrassment, jealousy, and anger? The answer to this question supports the question of whether animals can form emotional connections with humans.

It has been proved that animals can develop love and connection with humans, reasons could be that humans provide them with food, shelter, affection, and a sense of safety. Animals are considered empaths, meaning that they can pick up on other animals’ feelings as well as those of humans. This could explain why your dog comes closer for a snuggle when you are watching a sad movie! This also explains why some animals stay clear of certain humans who might be a danger to them or their owners. 

This discussion can go much deeper and more detailed, but in short – yes, animals are capable of forming emotional connections with humans! 

Animal Bonding FAQs

How do I know if an animal has formed an emotional bond with me? 

The signs can be quite simple to know if an animal has an emotional bond with you! You might notice they are excited to see you or show distress when you leave, they may search you out to be near you, or they can show physical affection like licking or being close to you. 

Are there dangers of forming a bond with animals? 

Although the benefits of bonding with animals are great, there are some possible downfalls. For instance, possibly picking up diseases from your animals and misreading their needs could lead to possible negative interactions. But, the worst is possibly the emotional impact of losing your beloved pet. 

What is human-animal bonding?

Human-animal bonding is a deeper connection formed between a human and an animal, which often involves a shared feeling of love and affection, a sense of companionship, and the responsibility of taking care of the animal. But don’t worry, they feel a sense of protection towards you too!

What animals can bond with humans? 

Popular pets, like cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, birds, and chickens form bonds with humans. However, many wild animals like dolphins, elephants, and lions have been found to bond with humans as well!

How do animals show their affection to humans? 

There are many ways animals show their love to humans! This might include sitting on your lap, licking, pawing, expressing the need to play with you. It might also include bringing you gifts such as a catch or toy, following you around.

Why Do We Choose To Write About Animal Bonding? 

In a world so full of heartache we believe that the bonds animals form are beautiful moments worth sharing! The joy of seeing, or even better experiencing, an animal’s love and affection not only warms our hearts but also brings us closer to animals while showcasing more of their behaviors. 

It is also scientifically proven that experiencing these bonds, or even just looking at them, increases the happy hormones in our brains – and who doesn’t want that?

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